Erin Fuller-Abstract-Clock

//Erin Fuller
//Project 06-Abstract Clock

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {

    var x = width / 2; //ellipse center
    var y = height / 2; //ellipse center
    var d = 350; //ellipse diameter

    fill(90); // background circle
    ellipse(x, y, d, d);

    fill(255, 146, 68, 120); // MINUTE CHORD   
    var m = map(minute() + map(second(), 0, 60, 0, 1), 59, 0, 0, PI); // map minutes to half circle
    arc(x, y, d, d, m - (PI / 4), -(m) - (PI / 4), CHORD); // -pi/4 to shrink diagonally right to left

    fill(252, 123, 129, 120); // HOUR CHORD   
    var h = map(hour() + map(minute(), 0, 60, 0, 1), 23, 0, 0, PI); // map hours to half circle
    arc(x, y, d, d, h + HALF_PI, -(h) + HALF_PI, CHORD); // +pi/2 to shrink bottom to top

    fill(215, 105, 172, 120); // SECONDS CHORD   
    var s = map(second(), 59, 0, 0, PI); // map seconds to half circle
    arc(x, y, d, d, s - (3 * PI / 4), -(s) - (3 * PI / 4), CHORD); // -3pi/4 to shrink diagonally left to right

My “clock” is based on three translucent chords. The data for the minutes, seconds, and hours, are mapped along half the circle and reflected. The color and opacity, allowing the colors to overlap and add on each other, were chosen for visual variety along with shifting the start of the chords in different positions along the circle.

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