Jenni Lee — Project 06 — Abstract Clock


/* Jenni Lee
Section E
Project - 06

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 800);

function draw() {
  var H = hour(); // brightness of the background is controlled by the hour
  var bgr = 174 * (24 - H) / 24; // range of r is 42 to 216
  var bgg = 166 * (24 - H) / 24; // range of g is 73 to 239
  var bgb = 167 * (24 - H) / 24; // range of b is 73 to 240
  background(bgr + 42, bgg + 73, bgb + 73); 
 // brightness of grass is controlled by color
  bgr = 173 * (24 - H) / 24; // range of r is 57 to 230
  bgg = 156 * (24 - H) / 24; // range of g is 81 to 237
  bgb = 125 * (24 - H) / 24; // range of b is 51 to 176
  fill (bgr + 57, bgg + 81, bgb + 51);
  rect (0, 600, 600, 200);

  // tail
  translate(400, 510);
  var S = second() % 2;
  if (S == 0) { // tail points to different direction depending on even or odd second number
    rotate(60 / PI + PI);
  } else {
    rotate(120 / PI + PI);
  fill (247, 202, 201);
  ellipse(0, 0, 40, 140);

  // body
  translate(300, 570);
  fill(229, 196, 168);
  ellipse(0, 0, 250, 200);

  // face
  translate(200, 580);
  fill(239, 208, 172);
  ellipse(0, 0, 200, 150);

  push ();
  fill(239, 208, 172); // left ear
  triangle(100, 572, 102, 490, 150, 515); 
  fill (252, 217, 224); // left inner ear
  triangle(108, 561, 110, 510, 138, 528); 

  //right ear
  fill(239, 208, 172); // right ear
  triangle(240, 512, 290, 490, 295, 560); 
  fill (252, 217, 224); // right inner ear
  triangle(250, 521, 282, 506, 285, 553); 
  pop ();

  // eyes. the posiiton of the eye ball is decided by 
  // the minutes, and it circles one round in 60 minutes
  translate(140, 570);
  noStroke ();
  fill(255, 255, 255);
  // left eye
  ellipse(0, 0, 36, 36);
  //left eye ball
  var M = minute();
  fill(130, 115, 100);
  ellipse(cos(M / 60 * 360 - 90) * 9, sin(M / 60 * 360 - 90) * 9, 18, 18);

  // right eye
  fill(255, 255, 255);
  ellipse(100, 0, 36, 36); 
  // right eye ball
  fill(130, 115, 100);
  ellipse(cos(M / 60 * 360 - 90) * 9 + 100, sin(M / 60 * 360 - 90) * 9, 18, 18);

  // nose
  fill(130, 115, 100);
  ellipse(50, 20, 10, 10); 

  fill(252, 217, 224);
  ellipse(5, 30, 35, 10); // left blush
  ellipse(95, 30, 35, 10); // right blush

  // left paw
  translate(152, 650);
  rotate(40 / PI);
  fill(239, 208, 172);
  ellipse(0, 0, 80, 40);

  // right paw
  translate(232, 650);
  rotate(-40 / PI);
  fill(239, 208, 172);
  ellipse(0, 0, 80, 40);
// The tail moves left and right every second, the eyeballs make a 360 rotation each hour,
// it moves clock wise every minute. The sky gets darker with each hour. It's the brightest
// at the beginning of the day and dark at the end of the day. 

Cats are my favorite animal, so I wanted my abstract clock to be one. This project was highly enjoyable for me, as not only was it a fun challenge to design it, but it was entertaining to fully customize it to my own tastes. Seconds are indicated by the tail moving left and right each second. Minutes are indicated with the eyeballs moving clock wise every minute, completing a 360 rotation by the end of the hour. Hours/time of day is indicated through the ground and sky getting darker with each hour of the day. These two elements are very light in the morning and dark at night, similar to the sun setting.

Process work ^

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