/*Austin Treu
Section B
var hSize = 80, mSize = 40, sSize = 20
hourX = 0, hourY = 150,
minX = 0, minY = 250,
secX = 0, secY = 350,
wProp = 0, hProp = 0,
wPropH = 0, hPropH = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 480);
wProp = width/60;
hProp = height/60;
wPropH = width/12;
hPropH = height/24;
function draw() {
/*TEST CODE - grid for measurement
line(30*wProp, 0, 30*wProp, height);
line(0, 30*hProp, width, 30*hProp);
line(15*wProp, 0, 15*wProp, height);
line(0, 15*hProp, width, 15*hProp);
line(45*wProp, 0, 45*wProp, height);
line(0, 45*hProp, width, 45*hProp);*/
// Fetch the current time
var H = hour();
var M = minute();
var S = second();
//draw background, base upon time
background((S+1)*2.125,int(255-(S+1)*2.125),255-S, (H+S)/4);
//set current ellipse locs
hourX = H*hPropH;
hourY = ((pow(((hourX-width/2)),2)/16)+7*height)/16;
minX = M*hProp;
minY = (abs(pow((minX-height/2)/6,2)-height))/4;
secX = S*hProp;
secY = -(abs(pow((secX-height/2)/6,2)-height)-4*height)/4;
//add trail lines every few seconds (pulsating effect)
if(S%3 === 0){
stroke(3*S,200-S, 200-S, 10);
for(var i = 0; i<width; i++){
var y = -(abs(pow((i-height/2)/6,2)-height)-4*height)/4;
y = (abs(pow((i-height/2)/6,2)-height))/4;
y = ((pow(((i-width/2)),2)/16)+7*height)/16;
//draw ellipses for time
ellipse(hourX, hourY, hSize, hSize);
ellipse(minX, minY, mSize, mSize);
ellipse(secX, secY, sSize, sSize);
This clock assignment took a few different forms in my head, as I wanted to have a vague space/sky theme and also be as minimalist as possible while still getting the point across. I initially thought about utilizing orbital circles, but I ultimately decided that it would be more interesting to mess around with some other types of functions, with the ‘sun’ (hours) having a simple parabola to portray sunrise and sunset. The ‘planet’ (minutes) and ‘moon’ (seconds) actually mirror each other in their patterns, bouncing off of the bottom of the screen at 1/4 and 3/4 of the way through. This keeps things simple whilst allowing an onlooker to easily see quarter minutes and hours as well as days.