Yiran Xuan – Project 06 – Abstract Clock

I started with the idea of a water dripping, at first wanting to just have a series of pitchers pouring into each other. However, this seemed rather uninteresting, and also the mechanics of the water pouring seemed to complicated. I thought it would be better to display each time unit differently, so I went with a plant growing in front of a changing sky.


var currentsec = second();
var dropdistance = 200;

var totalminutes = hour()*60 + minute();
var sunlight;

var waterlevel = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 300);

function draw(){
	totalminutes = hour()*60 + minute();
	sunlight = round(abs(totalminutes/3 - 240)); //ensures that sunlight value is greatest when totalminutes is half of the midnight value

	background(120 - sunlight/2, 240 - sunlight, 240 - sunlight) //background changes gradually each minute; is darkest in the evening and early morning, lightest during the day
	if(currentsec != second()){ //if start of a new second, create droplet at top of canvas
		dropdistance = 0;
	else {
		dropdistance += 5; //allow droplet to fall

	currentsec = second();

	waterlevel = second();

	fill(0, 255, 255);
	ellipse(100, dropdistance, 6, 6); //draw droplet
	rect(0, 300 - (waterlevel/2), 300, waterlevel/2); //draw water at the bottom


	var plantheight = 270 - minute()*4;
	line(120, 300 - (waterlevel/2), 120, plantheight); //draw plant stalk

	fill('green'); //draw plant leaves
	triangle(120, plantheight, 120 - 15, plantheight - 20, 120 - 40, plantheight - 10);
	triangle(120, plantheight, 120 + 15, plantheight - 20, 120 + 40, plantheight - 10);


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