Han Yu Project 06 Abstract Clock


// Han Yu
// hyu1@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section D
// Project 06

var bubbley = 480;
var noiseParam = 0;
var otherbubbley = 510;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
	// fectch time
	var H=hour();
	var M=minute();
	var S=second();
	// compute location of fish
	var hourfish=map(H, 0, 23, 35, width-51);
	var minutefish=map(M, 0, 59, 50, width-71);
	var secondfish=map(S, 0, 59, 40, width-41);

	//sets sidemove to noise value
	var sideMove = noise(noiseParam);
	//map time sidemove between -20 and 20
	sideMove = map(sideMove, 0, 1, -20, 20);
	//color of bubble
	//draws bubbles in diff sizes y and x
	ellipse(width/3+sideMove/2, otherbubbley, 40,40);
	//make it go up
	bubbley -= 10;
	otherbubbley -= 5;
	//resets to bottome when at top
	if (bubbley < -25) {
		bubbley = 480			
	if (otherbubbley < -20) {
		otherbubbley = 510
	//increase parameter by 0.3
	noiseParam += 0.3

	// hour fish
	ellipse(hourfish, 100, 70, 35);
	triangle(hourfish+30, 100, hourfish+50, 
			 80, hourfish+50, 120);
	// minute fish
	ellipse(minutefish, 200, 100, 50);
	triangle(minutefish+45, 200, minutefish+65, 
			 180, minutefish+65, 220);
	// second fish
	ellipse(secondfish, 340, 80, 50);
	triangle(secondfish-35, 340, secondfish-55, 
			 320, secondfish-55, 360);

	// sand
	rect(0, 410, width, height);


I started out this project hoping to represent time more interactively, something more than just a clock. I have always been fond of the underwater so I chose it as the theme of my abstract clock. My initial design is attached below. I changed around a bit because I later found out the constant shit of colors is not a good representation of time. Overall I enjoyed doing this project, it helped it lot with learning time application and randomness.

My initial design.

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