With this project, humans and other living plants can now interact with each other. I thought that this is incredible because it can be a start to next visualize a different data set for human interaction between each other through similar modes. In the making of this project, there had been a development of a touch sensor that is capacitive. It was able to create an electromagnetic field from a medium; which in turn, measures small disturbances surrounding and in the field. The program, SIGGRAPH 2012, was able to express contact between the two, visually through the use of sensors. An aurora-like interactive visual is triggered through gestures, both physically tangible and intangible through proximity, made from the engager to the plant. And the reason for this project was to create a space/tool in which interactive technologies are not manufactured, but living and real throughout the experiences with one’s senses.
Botanicus Interacticus: Interactive Plant Technology: Disney Research Pittsburgh | Dr. Ivan Poupyrev | 2012