// Sara Frankel
// sfrankel
// Project 07
// Section A
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 480);
var perwidth = 480.0;
var constrainmin = 1.0;
var constrainmax = 1.4;
function draw() {
var changecenter = width/4 * mouseX / perwidth * constrain(1 - (mouseY / perwidth), constrainmin, constrainmax); // variable to insert into drawDevilsCurve to help assiciate its position from the
// center curbe proportionately in both the x and y direction with the mouse
//center curve
drawDevilsCurve(true, width/2, height/2, 180, 150, 100);
drawDevilsCurve(false, width/2, height/2, 180, 150, 100);
//top left curve
drawDevilsCurve(true, width/2 - changecenter, height/2 - changecenter, 40, 30, 35);
drawDevilsCurve(false, width/2 - changecenter, height/2 - changecenter, 40, 30, 35);
//bottom left curve
drawDevilsCurve(true, width/2 - changecenter, height/2 + changecenter, 40, 30, 35);
drawDevilsCurve(false, width/2 - changecenter, height/2 + changecenter, 40, 30, 35);
//top right curve
drawDevilsCurve(true, width/2 + changecenter, height/2 - changecenter, 40, 30, 35);
drawDevilsCurve(false, width/2 + changecenter, height/2 - changecenter, 40, 30, 35);
//bottom right curve
drawDevilsCurve(true, width/2 + changecenter, height/2 + changecenter, 40, 30, 35);
drawDevilsCurve(false, width/2 + changecenter, height/2 + changecenter, 40, 30, 35);
function drawDevilsCurve(isSide, centerX, centerY, maxA, maxB, nPoints) {
var x;
var y;
var hx = mouseX / perwidth; //puts mouseX on a percent scale
var hy = mouseY / perwidth; //mouseY on a percent scale
var a = maxA * hx; //correlates maxA and hx for shape below
var b = maxB * hy; //correlates maxB and hy for shape below
var t = radians(2 * a); //angle of shape in relation to a
for (var i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) { //for loop to create the devils curve shape
stroke(280 * i, map(100 - i, 100, 0, 60, 0), 100 * i); //maps the color so that each curve corrolates in color (dependant on how many points are on the shape) in terms of pink
var t = map(i, 0, nPoints, 0, TWO_PI); //maps the angle of the curve to corrolate with the number of points and i
x = cos(t) * sqrt(((a * a) * (sin(t) * sin(t)) - (b * b) * (cos(t) * cos(t)) / (sin(t) * sin(t)) - (cos(t) * cos(t))));
y = sin(t) * sqrt(((a * a) * (sin(t) * sin(t)) - (b * b) * (cos(t) * cos(t)) / (sin(t) * sin(t)) - (cos(t) * cos(t))));
if(isSide){ //if statement that flips the curve over y=x so that it creates the same curve perpendicular to the original
var temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
vertex(x + centerX, y + centerY); //draws curve
vertex(-x + centerX, -y + centerY); //draws inverse of curve (gives it the cool pointy look)
When I was looking through the catalog of curves, there was something that caught my eye about the devils curve. The proportions and visual aspects fascinated me. I decided to make almost these flower shapes in proportion of one another (as well as the mouse) and track along more or less the y = x plane. Screenshots as follow:
Pictured is what to expect when the shape is almost as small as it can go. It is a plus shape surrounded by smaller “+”s.
Pictured is medium size expected when x and y are closer to the center