Brian house is an artist with both computer science and sound studies background, which influence his practices and works. His recent concentrations are AI, technology and urban rats. His works explores a great range of topics including the rhythm of body, technology and environment. His art pieces usually display not only audibly through sound tracks but also visually through installations or digital arts. The combination of the installations and the sound track express his idea as a whole piece. These combinations are mostly achieved by technology and Artificial Intelligence.
In his presentation he presented his works from the most recent to his earliest works, explaining each the back ground stories of each:his motivation, inspirations, how he did his work, where was he coming from and what ideas were he expressing through his arts. That made me easily understood the message he was trying to spread through his works.
I find his works very inspiring for the way he combines a visual installation with sound arts, allowing people to understand him with two different senses at the same time. It showed me how dynamic an art can be displayed with the power of technology.