This week, the project I have chosen to investigate is ‘Liminoid Garden’ by Filipa Valente. Filipa Valente is a Portuguese interactive artist who is based in Los Angles. She studied architecture and media art and architecture at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL (London), and SciArc (Los Angles). Valente primarily creates dynamic light architectures, through she also works in experience design, architecture, product design and animation.
‘Liminoid Garden’ features mechanical blooms that are fitted with electronic controllers. Such controllers receive real time data regarding temperature, light and pollution conditions from the outside, and translate the data into varying physical movements and light qualities in the interior installation space. What I admired about Valente’s project was how the installation managed to be so beautiful but reflective of real world conditions and contexts by almost personifying the blooms. I also admire how the piece encourages and fosters audience interaction in a way that allows viewers to develop a constantly changing relationship with the installation, since the data inputs breathe new life into the piece.