Looking Outwards – 10 Min Lee


Vareldi’s Minicade was showcased at Eyebeam.
Minicade by Chloe Varelidi, 2015

Chloe Varelidi is an artist and designer whose mission statement is to “design and build playful products that empower humans to be creative, kind and curious about the world around them.” She studied design at Parsons School of Design and is now the founder and design director at humans who play. Her main work focuses on designing products that are both irresistable and fun.

Like many of her other projects, Minicade is an interactive and educational tool made by Veralidi that uses fun methods to teach important skills. I look up to this particular project because it is a web app that involves the user (along with others) to create and customize a playlist of games by learning how to code in HTML. It’s an extremely relevant skill to have and it’s projects like these that educate younger generations through a medium that they can enjoy.

Check it out: http://www.minica.de/

Source: http://varelidi.com/

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