Looking Outwards 11 rrandell


This is a link to the artists work and a clip of his piece ‘Prelude in ACGT’ and below is a photo of his physical manifestation of the work

This Looking outwards is about artist Pierry Jaquillard. I would consider his piece ‘Prelude in ACGT’ sound art and not music, but there certainly is a musical aspect to his work. This piece combines sound and biology in a rather unique way. He examined his own personal DNA and tried to explore it through coding and then make something musical from this exploration. To create sound out of DNA, he coded 5 interfaces that allow certain factors to change. One of the interfaces allows you to access his chromosome library and chose a ‘piece’ of it to play. 3 of the interfaces actually examine the DNA and visualize sound in tandem with his raw DNA. Pierry uses a midi library JavaScript to generate midi signals those signals are then sent into Ableton live to actually generate electronic sounds which is then exported, stored, and translated into sheet music. I am very inspired by his interest and drive to create an intersection with these two fields of interest.

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