Elena Deng-Looking Outwards 12

Mimic by Design IO

Cause and Effect by Scott Snibbe

After looking extensively through the list of generative artists I found two projects that i was the most interested in. Surprisingly, the projects seemed to be very similar to each other. I decided to look at Design I/O’s Mimic as well as Scott Snibbe’s Cause and Effect. I admire how both of the projects require the user/viewer to move and through this movement, the project will begin to interact. For the Cause and Effect, because it was done in the early 2000’s i believe that the technology from that time could not have lended itself well to visual interest. I think that in both projects the artist could have focused on the visual form more as opposed to the interaction.
I hope that in my final project I will be able to create a visual that reflects the user’s actions in an engaging visual manner.

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