My proposal for a final project would be a top-down view dungeon crawler game. I found that I was interested in using keyboard inputs as controls, and the natural development from there is a game.

Players would be a wizard, armed with a staff firing magic missiles (I think turtles would be good for a meandering projectile) going room to room vanquishing skeletons. I think rooms would all be square, but could spawn with doors. I could possibly make a system to make rooms and store their data, and start with a random numbers of doors that would decrease until rooms could no longer spawn with doors linking to new rooms. In this last room would be something that would be the goal, possibly a pile of treasure. If time becomes an issue, then the scope of the project could shrink to become a single room with waves of enemies, the goal being to last as long as you can.
The main inspiration was a Scratch project a friend and I built in our early high school days.