Kevin Thies – Final Project

Dungeon Crawl

var debugMode = false;  // toggles debug mode
var char;               // stores the character
var missiles = [];      // stores the magic missiles
var enemies = [];       // stores the enemies
var rooms = [];         // stores the rooms
var roomKeys = [];      // sotres the "name" of the room
var roomEnemies = [];   // stores the leftover enemies of each room
var lastUsedFloorSeed = 1;  // previous floor seed used
var currentRoom = "C";  // room id of current room
var directions = ["N", "E", "S", "W"]; // used in generating doors
var previousDir = "C";  // initiates with the previous value of C
var mouseCounter = 0;   // how long has mouse been held for?
var spread = 30;        // spread of the angle for magic missiles
var fireInterval = 5;   // how often are missiles shot
var manaGain = 1.5;     // how much mana regained per frame
var manaLost = 20;      // mana expended to shoot a magic missile
var hitDamage = 1;      // damage player takes if hit
var moveSpeed = 1.7;    // how fast the player moves
var enemySpeed = 1.5;   // how fast enemies move
var hitRadius = 15;     // radius of enemy hitbox
var hitsToKill = 20;    // how many hits an enemy needs to be killed
var doorLimit;          // max amount of doors that can spawn
var floorsCleared = 0;  // number of floors the player has cleared
var deathCounter = 0;   // a timer after the player dies
var fadeCounter = 0;    // the counter for fade out
var shouldFade = false; // should the screen fade?
var shotsFired= 0;      // holds how many shots were fired
var enemiesSlain = 0;   // holds how many skeletons were slain
var enemiesAlive = 0;   // holds how many enemies in room are alive

function preload() {    // load the textures
    dungeonFloor = loadImage("");
    dungeonWalls = loadImage("");
    northDoor = loadImage("");
    southDoor = loadImage("");
    westDoor = loadImage("");
    eastDoor = loadImage("");
    hole = loadImage("");
    holeLight = loadImage("");
    wizard = loadImage("");
    wizardNoMagic = loadImage("");
    wizardHurt = loadImage("");
    staffGlow = loadImage("");
    missileGlow = loadImage("");
    deadSkeleton = loadImage("");
    skeleton = loadImage("");
    skeletonHit = loadImage("");

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    noCursor();              // hide cursor so that we can replace it with a custom one
    makeCharacter(240, 240); // starts character in the center of the canvas
    doorLimit = floor(random(6, 11)); // random door limit at the start

    // generate the initial center room
    centerRoom = {"floorSeed":1,
            "north":true, "south":false, "east":false, "west":false,
            "final":false, "enemiesInRoom":[]

    // push the room into the room array
    // push the room key into the room key array
    // push 0 enemies into the first room
    // fade in
    shouldFade = true;
    fadeCounter = 120;

function draw() {
    background(0);      // backup in case textures don't load

    drawRoom();         // draws the room
    enemyUpdate();      // updates enemies in room
    missileUpdate();    // updates the magic missiles
    characterUpdate();  // updates the character
    cursorUpdate();     // updates the cursor
    doorCheck();        // checks if a player can go thorugh a door
    deathCheck();       // checks if the player has died
    fadeOut();          // checks if fadeout should execute

function fadeOut() { // fades the screen to black and back

    // applies a red overlay based on character health
    fill(255, 0, 0, map(, 70, 0, 0, 100));
    // if the character is dead, stop the red
    if( <= 0){
        fill(0, 0, 0, 0);
    rect(0, 0, width, height);

    // counts the fade counter up to 128 if fade is started
    if(fadeCounter < 128 & shouldFade === true) {
        fadeCounter ++;
    // after it reaches that point, fade is set back to false
    if(fadeCounter >= 128) {
        shouldFade = false;
    // if fade is false, decrement the counter
    if(shouldFade === false) {
        fadeCounter --;
    // add a black box of darkening opacity to fade out
    fill(0, 0, 0, fadeCounter * 2);
    rect(0, 0, width, height);

function deathCheck() { // checks to see if the character has died
    // grabs the index of the current room
    // needs to be a local variable or it just doesn't work
    var roomIndex = roomKeys.indexOf(currentRoom);

    // if character is dead:
    if( <= 0) {
        // increment death counter
        // do a special death fadeout with a black box
        fill(0, 0, 0, deathCounter * 2);
        rect(0, 0, width, height);

    // after a certain amount of time to fade:
    if(deathCounter > 120) {
        // fade in text that the character has died
        fill(255, 0, 0, (deathCounter - 120));
        text("You have Died", width / 2, 150);
        // format the bottom text
        stroke(255, 0, 0, (deathCounter - 240));
        // fade in how many floors were cleared
        if (floorsCleared === 1) {
            text(floorsCleared + " floor freed from evil's grasp", width / 2, 200);
        } else {
            text(floorsCleared + " floors freed from evil's grasp", width / 2, 200);
        // fade in how many magic missiles were cast
        stroke(255, 0, 0, (deathCounter - 360));
        text("Magic missile was cast " + shotsFired + " times", width / 2, 230);
        // fade in how many enemies were defeated
        stroke(255, 0, 0, (deathCounter - 480));
        text(enemiesSlain - enemiesAlive + " of evil's minions were put to rest", width / 2, 260);
        // after a while, offer the option to replay
        fill(255, 0, 0, (deathCounter - 800));
        text("press space to play again", width / 2, 300);

function doorCheck() { // checks if a player can enter a door or hole
    // grabs the index of the current room
    var roomIndex = roomKeys.indexOf(currentRoom);
    // sets initial value if all enemies have been defeated
    var allEnemiesDefeated = true;
    // for all enemies in room:
    for(var i = 0; i < rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom.length; i++) {
        // if one is alive, allEnemiesDefeated is false
        if(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].life < 100) {
            allEnemiesDefeated = false;

    // if the character is near and going in the direction of a door
    // change the room in that direction
    if(dist(char.x, char.y, width / 2, 0) < 60 &
            char.up === true &&
            rooms[roomIndex].north === true &&
            allEnemiesDefeated === true) {
        char.y = 440;
    if(dist(char.x, char.y, width / 2, height) < 60 &
            char.down === true &&
            rooms[roomIndex].south === true &&
            allEnemiesDefeated === true) {
        char.y = 40;
    if(dist(char.x, char.y, 0, height / 2) < 60 &
            char.left === true &&
            rooms[roomIndex].west === true &&
            allEnemiesDefeated === true) {
        char.x = 440;
    if(dist(char.x, char.y, width, height / 2) < 60 &
            char.right === true &&
            rooms[roomIndex].east === true &&
            allEnemiesDefeated === true) {
        char.x = 40;
    if(dist(char.x, char.y, width / 2, height / 2) < 30 &
            rooms[roomIndex].final === true &&
            allEnemiesDefeated === true) {

function drawRoom() { // draws the room each update cycle

    // grabs the index of the current room
    var roomIndex = roomKeys.indexOf(currentRoom);

    // displays floor based on floorseed
    if(rooms[roomIndex].floorSeed === 1) {
        image(dungeonFloor, 0, 0, width, height);

    } else if (rooms[roomIndex].floorSeed === 2) {
        image(dungeonFloor, 0, -1 * height, width, height);

    } else if (rooms[roomIndex].floorSeed === 3) {
        image(dungeonFloor, -1 * width, -1 * height, width, height);

    } else if (rooms[roomIndex].floorSeed === 4) {
        image(dungeonFloor, -1 * width, 0, width, height);

    // displays walls
    image(dungeonWalls, 0, 0, width, height);

    // display doors
    if(rooms[roomIndex].north === true) {
        image(northDoor, 0, 0, width, height);

    if(rooms[roomIndex].south === true) {
        image(southDoor, 0, 0, width, height);

    if(rooms[roomIndex].west === true) {
        image(westDoor, 0, 0, width, height);

    if(rooms[roomIndex].east === true) {
        image(eastDoor, 0, 0, width, height);

    // display hole if final room
    if(rooms[roomIndex].final === true) {
        image(hole, 0, 0, width, height);

    // display light if first room
    if(currentRoom === "C") {
        image(holeLight, 0, 0, width, height);

    // debug options
    if(debugMode === true) {
        text("room ID = " + currentRoom, 20, 20);
        text("rooms left = " + doorLimit, 20, 30);
        text("north = " + rooms[roomIndex].north, 20, 40);
        text("south = " + rooms[roomIndex].south, 20, 50);
        text("east = " + rooms[roomIndex].east, 20, 60);
        text("west = " + rooms[roomIndex].west, 20, 70);
        text("final = " + rooms[roomIndex].final, 20, 80);
        text("Number of enemies = " + rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom.length, 20, 400);
        text("floors cleared = " + floorsCleared, 20, 90);

function changeRoom(directionEntered) { // if players enter a door, change the room

    // set a random floor seed to determine the floor image rotation
    var floorSeed = ceil(random(0, 4));

    // make sure the last floor seed is different from the new one
    while(floorSeed === lastUsedFloorSeed) {
        floorSeed = ceil(random(0, 4));

    // reset the last used floor seed
    lastUsedFloorSeed = floorSeed;

    // Add doorseed based on how many are left
    var doorSeed = ceil(random(0, 3));

    // This giant block manages room ids, if you enter a new room that direction
    // is added to the string for the name, and removes the last letter of the string
    // if you backtrack into a previously explored room
    if(directionEntered === "N" & previousDir === "S") {
        currentRoom = currentRoom.substr(0, currentRoom.length - 1);

    } else if(directionEntered === "S" & previousDir === "N") {
        currentRoom = currentRoom.substr(0, currentRoom.length - 1);

    } else if(directionEntered === "E" & previousDir === "W") {
        currentRoom = currentRoom.substr(0, currentRoom.length - 1);

    } else if(directionEntered === "W" & previousDir === "E") {
        currentRoom = currentRoom.substr(0, currentRoom.length - 1);

    // if the current room has not been entered, append the
    // direction entered to the end of current room
    } else {
        currentRoom = currentRoom + directionEntered;

    // sets previous direction to the direction used to enter the room
    previousDir = currentRoom.substring(currentRoom.length - 1, currentRoom.length);

    // sets initial door values
    var doorNorth = false;
    var doorSouth = false;
    var doorEast = false;
    var doorWest = false;
    var doorFinal = false;

    // if the room entered doesn't exist yet:
    if(roomKeys.indexOf(currentRoom) == -1) {

        // subrtact one from the remaining rooms to generate
        doorLimit --;

        // set the starting position of where the player entered
        var initial = directions.indexOf(directionEntered);

        // generates a random door based on where the character entered
        // and the door seed
        var doorNum = initial + 2 + doorSeed;

        // make sure doorNum is between 0 and 3
        while(doorNum > 3) {
            doorNum -= 4;

        // ties the door num to a direction string
        var doorToDisplay = directions[doorNum];

        // if it's the final room of the floor:
        if(doorLimit === 0) {

            // make sure the room know's it's the final one
            doorFinal = true;

            // generate the final door on the same side as would enter from
            var finalDoorNum = initial + 2;
            while(finalDoorNum > 3) {
                finalDoorNum -= 4;

            // tie the final door number to a direction string
            doorToDisplay = directions[finalDoorNum];

        // take the door to display as well as the door the character came from
        // and add those properties to the new room
        if(doorToDisplay === "N" || directionEntered === "S") {
            doorNorth = true;
        if(doorToDisplay === "S" || directionEntered === "N") {
            doorSouth = true;
        if(doorToDisplay === "E" || directionEntered === "W") {
            doorEast = true;
        if(doorToDisplay === "W" || directionEntered === "E") {
            doorWest = true;


    // add a new room to the room array
    rooms.push(makeNewRoom(doorSeed, floorSeed, directionEntered,
                           doorNorth, doorSouth, doorEast, doorWest,

    // add the room ID to the list of roomKeys

    // sets local room index
    var roomIndex = roomKeys.indexOf(currentRoom);

    // resets the arrays for missiles and enemies, clearing the room
    missiles = [];
    enemies = [];

    // generate new enemies
    if(doorFinal === false & roomKeys.indexOf(currentRoom) === roomKeys.length - 1) {
        for(var i = 0; i < (random(2, 4 + floorsCleared) + floorsCleared); i++) {
            rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom.push(makeEnemy(random(100, 380), random(100, 380), 0, 0));
            // rotate random directions
            // set random speed that increases each floor
            rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].speed = random(1.3, 1.8) + 0.05 * floorsCleared;
            // set random move mode
            rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].moveMode = floor(random(2));

function makeNewRoom(doorSeed, floorSeed, directionEntered,
                     north, south, east, west,
                     final) { // makes the room

    room = {"floorSeed":floorSeed,
            "north":north, "south":south, "east":east, "west":west,
    return room;

function resetFloor() { // resets the floor if cleared

    // heal some of the character's health += floor(((100 - * 3 / 5));

    // reset floor containers
    missiles = [];
    enemies = [];
    rooms = [];
    roomKeys = [];

    previousDir = "C";  // initiates with the previous value of C
    currentRoom = "C";  // current room is the center room

    // make a new door limit
    doorLimit = floor(random(6, 11));

    // add 1 to number of floors cleared
    floorsCleared ++;

    // define the new center room of the floor
    centerRoom = {"floorSeed":1,
            "north":true, "south":false, "east":false, "west":false,

    // push the room into the rooms array

    // push the room ID into the room keys array

    // push 0 enemies into the array

    // execute fade out
    shouldFade = true;
    fadeCounter = 0;

    // position character to the center of the room
    char.x = width / 2;
    char.y = height / 2;

function makeCharacter(x, y) { // creates the character object
    char = {"x":x, "y":y,
            "left":false, "right":false,
            "up":false,  "down":false,
            "facing":0, "health":100, "mana":100,
    return char;

function characterUpdate() { // updates the character's movement

    // if the movement key is pressed, set the appropriate character move state
    if (keyIsDown(68) || keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)) { // D or right arrow
        char.right = true;
    } else {
        char.right = false;

    if (keyIsDown(65) || keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)) { // A or left arrow
        char.left = true;
    } else {
        char.left = false;

    if (keyIsDown(83) || keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW)) { // S or down arrow
        char.down = true;
    } else {
        char.down = false;

    if (keyIsDown(87) || keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) { // W or up arrow
        char.up = true;
    } else {
        char.up = false;

    // Face the mouse
    translate(char.x, char.y);

    // this gets an angle between 0 and 360
    char.facing = ((atan2(mouseY - char.y, mouseX - char.x) + 360)% 360);

    // the update moves and draws the character

    // regain mana
    char.mana = min(100, char.mana += manaGain)

function characterMove() { // moves the character

    // if it's not fading and the character is alive:
    if(deathCounter === 0 & shouldFade === false) {

        // if the movement states are true, move by a set speed
        // move linearly slightly faster
        if(char.right === true && char.up === false && char.down === false) {
            char.x += moveSpeed * sqrt(2);

        if(char.left === true & char.up === false && char.down === false) {
            char.x -= moveSpeed * sqrt(2);

        if(char.up === true & char.left === false && char.right === false) {
            char.y -= moveSpeed * sqrt(2);

        if(char.down === true & char.left === false && char.right === false) {
            char.y += moveSpeed * sqrt(2);

        // move diagonally
        if(char.right === true & char.up === true && deathCounter === 0) {
            char.x += moveSpeed;
            char.y -= moveSpeed;

        if(char.right === true & char.down === true && deathCounter === 0) {
            char.x += moveSpeed;
            char.y += moveSpeed;

        if(char.left === true & char.up === true && deathCounter === 0) {
            char.x -= moveSpeed;
            char.y -= moveSpeed;

        if(char.left === true & char.down === true && deathCounter === 0) {
            char.x -= moveSpeed;
            char.y += moveSpeed;

    // limit x and y coords to inside the walls
    char.x = constrain(char.x, 40, 440);
    char.y = constrain(char.y, 40, 440);


function characterDraw() { // draws the character
    // style

    // glow under character
    image(missileGlow, char.x - 120 + sin((char.facing + 247) * -1) * 40,
                         char.y - 120 + cos((char.facing + 247) * -1) * 40,
                         240, 240);

    // Main Character //  //  //  //  //  //  //  //  //  //

    // make the main character the origin
    translate(char.x, char.y);

    // rotate the character based on its angle
    rotate(char.facing - 80);

    // display ,agic hand if shooting magic missiles or normal if not
    if(mouseIsPressed) {
        image(wizard, -60, -45, 120, 120);
    } else {
        image(wizardNoMagic, -60, -45, 120, 120);

    // if the character is hit display a red overlay
    if(char.isHit === true) {
        image(wizardHurt, -60, -45, 120, 120);

    // make the staff glow based on how much mana the character has
    tint(255, map(char.mana, 0, 100, 0, 180))
    image(staffGlow, -32, 4, 20, 20);

    // reset the main character push

    // Debugging Options
        // if debug is true, display:
    if(debugMode === true) {
        line(char.x, char.y, mouseX, mouseY);
        // what direction is the character facing?
        text("Facing:" + floor(char.facing), char.x + 20, char.y + 10);
        // what are its coordinates?
        text("X:" + floor(char.x) + " Y:" + floor(char.y), char.x + 20, char.y + 20);
        // if the mouse is pressed, what's the mouse counter?
        if(mouseIsPressed) {
            text("mouseCounter:" + mouseCounter, char.x + 20, char.y + 30);
        // how much mana does it have?
        text("Mana:" + char.mana, char.x + 20, char.y + 40);
        // how much health?
        text("Health:" +, char.x + 20, char.y + 50);
        // is the character hit?
        text("isHit:" + char.isHit, char.x + 20, char.y + 60);

function makeEnemy(ex, ey, cx, cy) {  // creates the enemy object
    // make a turtle at the enemy coordinates with proxy target coords
    enemy = makeTurtle(ex, ey, cx, cy);

    enemy.angle = 1;

    // add 1 to total amount of enemies slain
    enemiesSlain ++;

    return enemy;

function enemyUpdate() { // updates the enemies' movement

    // sets local room index
    var roomIndex = roomKeys.indexOf(currentRoom);

    // set initial player collision value
    var hasBeenHit = false;

    // set initial enemies alive value
    enemiesAlive = 0;

    // go through all the enemies
    for(var i = 0; i < rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom.length; i++) {
        // if the enemy is alive:
        if(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].life < 100) {

            // add 1 to enemiesAlive
            enemiesAlive ++;

            // face the character using a more aggressive, snappy formula
            if (rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].moveMode === 0) {
                    char.y - rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y,
                    char.x - rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x) + 360)% 360));
            // or use the short interesting way where enemies wander
            } else if(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].moveMode === 1) {
                rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].right(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].angleTo(char.x, char.y));

            // move forward

            // constrain enemy movement
            rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x = constrain(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x, 40, 440);
            rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y = constrain(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y, 40, 440);

            // display as alive
            // make the enemy the origin
            translate(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x, rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y);
            // rotate based on its angle
            rotate(radians(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].angle) - 90);
            // display the monster image
            image(skeleton, -60, -55, 120, 120);

        } else { // if the enemy is dead
            // display as dead
            // make the enemy the origin
            translate(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x, rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y);
            // rotate based on angle
            rotate(radians(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].angle) - 90);
            // display the dead monster image
            image(deadSkeleton, -60, -60, 120, 120);

        // test if missile collides
        // for all missiles:
        for(var j = 0; j < missiles.length; j++) {
            // if the enemy is less than hitRadius from the missile:
            if(dist(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x, rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y,
                    missiles[j].x, missiles[j].y) < hitRadius) {
                // add a portion of 100 based on the hitsToKill variable
                rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].life += 100 / hitsToKill;
                // if an enemy has less than 100 life (aka is alive):
                if(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].life < 100){
                    // display the hurt skeleton
                    // make the skeleton the origin
                    translate(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x, rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y);
                    // rotate based on enemy angle
                    rotate(radians(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].angle) - 90);
                    // display the white overlay on the skeleton
                    image(skeletonHit, -60, -55, 120, 120);

        // test if it hits player
        // if the enemy x and y is withing hitRadius from the character x and y:
        if(dist(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x, rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y, char.x, char.y) < hitRadius &
                rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].life < 100) {
            // character health goes down by hit damage
   -= hitDamage;
            // character hasBeenHit becomes true to display red overlay
            hasBeenHit = true;

        // if too far away, change to aggressive move mode
        if(dist(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x, rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y, char.x, char.y) > width * 2 / 3) {
            rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].moveMode = 0;

        // if too close, change to passive move mode
        if(dist(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x, rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y, char.x, char.y) < hitRadius) {
            rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].moveMode = 1;

        // Debug Options
        // if debugMode is on:
        if(debugMode === true) {
            // display
            stroke(255, 0, 0);
            fill(0, 0, 0, 0);
            // what is the enemy's angle?
            text("Angle:" + floor(radians(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].angle)),
                 rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x + 20,
                 rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y + 20);
            // what is the enemy's health?
            text("Health:" + floor(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].life),
                 rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x + 20,
                 rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y + 30);
            // what is the enemy's angle to player?
            text("angle2Player:" + floor(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].angleto(char.x, char.y)),
                 rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x + 20,
                 rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y + 10);
            // draw an ellipse to show the hitRadius of the enemy
            ellipse(rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].x, rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom[i].y, hitRadius * 2, hitRadius * 2);

    // if any enemy in the room has hit the player:
    if(hasBeenHit === true){
        // isHit is true
        char.isHit = true;
    } else {
        // isHit is false
        char.isHit = false;

function cursorUpdate() { // replaces the mouse cursor with a new one
    // displays a custom "cursor" over the mouse position
    // since the mouse cursor is hidden in setup
    fill(0, 0, 0, 0);
    stroke(255, 0, 0);
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 8, 8);

function missileUpdate() { // updates the magic missiles

    // if the mouse is pressed and char alive, spawn a missile every interval
    if(mouseIsPressed & deathCounter === 0) {
        // increment mouseCounter, which is the number of frames the mouse has
        // been held down for

        // every interval of frames after (if there's mana)
        if(mouseCounter % fireInterval == 0 & char.mana > 0) {
            // push the new missile into the array
            missiles.push(makeMissile(char.x, char.y,
                                      mouseX, mouseY,
    } else { // if mouse isn't pressed, then reset the mouse counter
        mouseCounter = 0;

    // for each missile:
    for(var i = 0; i < missiles.length; i++) {
        // after a certain "age" the missile will be pushed out of the array
        // increment age

        // guide missile towards its target, turning more the closer it is
        missiles[i].turnToward(missiles[i].tx, missiles[i].ty,
                                   map(abs(missiles[i].angleTo(missiles[i].tx, missiles[i].ty)),
                                        200, 0, 0, 320));

        // draw the missile tail
        fill(0, 255, 255, 99);
        stroke(0, 255, 255, 0.9);
        ellipse(missiles[i].x, missiles[i].y, 10, 10);

        // move missile

        // draw the missile glow
        image(missileGlow, missiles[i].x - 60, missiles[i].y - 60, 120, 120);

        // draw missile head
        stroke(0, 255, 255, 0.9);
        ellipse(missiles[i].x, missiles[i].y, 5, 5);

        // cull old missiles
        if(missiles[i].life > 70) {

function makeMissile(cx, cy, tx, ty, d) { // creates the magic missiles
    // make a turtle at the character and with the target coords
        // there's a bunch of math to make sure they come out of the
        // magic aura around his hand
    missile = makeTurtle(cx + sin((d + 247) * -1) * 40,
                         cy + cos((d + 247) * -1) * 40,
                         tx, ty);

    // add a random offset to the launch trajectory
    var offset = random(-1 * spread, spread);

    // launch the missile
    missile.right(degrees(d + offset));

    // add 1 to total shots fired
    shotsFired ++;

    // character looses mana when a missile is shot
    char.mana -= manaLost;
    return missile;

function keyPressed() { // turns on debug mode when = is pressed
    // if the "=" key is pressed, which I found was 187 or 69
    if(keyCode === 187 || keyCode === 61) {
        // if debug is on, turn it off
        if (debugMode === true) {
            debugMode = false;
        // if debug is off, turn it on
        }  else {
        debugMode = true;

    // if spacebar is pressed at the end of the death sequence
    if(deathCounter > 800 & keyCode === 32) {
        // reset the floor
        // reset values that are not reset usually when a floor is
        fadeCounter = 120;
        deathCounter = 0;
        floorsCleared = 0; = 100;
        enemiesSlain = 0;
        shotsFired = 0;

    // if "e" is pressed while debugMode is on, spawn an enemy at the mouse
    if(keyCode === 69 & debugMode === true) {
        var roomIndex = roomKeys.indexOf(currentRoom);
        rooms[roomIndex].enemiesInRoom.push(makeEnemy(mouseX, mouseY, 0, 0));

    // if ENTER is pressed while debugMode is on, set doorLimit to 1,
    // making sure the next room is the final room
    if(keyCode === ENTER & debugMode === true) {
    doorLimit = 1;

    // if SHIFT is pressed while debugMode is on, increment floorsCleared
    if(keyCode === SHIFT & debugMode === true) {
    floorsCleared ++;

// turtle code has and added "tx" and "ty", which are coordinate points
// that are used to make the magic missiles home in on the clicked location.
// also have a "Life" that tracks how many frames it's been on screen for
function turtleLeft(d){this.angle-=d;}function turtleRight(d){this.angle+=d;}
function turtleForward(p){var rad=radians(this.angle);var newx=this.x+cos(rad)*p;
var newy=this.y+sin(rad)*p;this.goto(newx,newy);}function turtleBack(p){
this.forward(-p);}function turtlePenDown(){this.penIsDown=true;}
function turtlePenUp(){this.penIsDown = false;}function turtleGoTo(x,y){
line(this.x,this.y,x,y);}this.x = x;this.y = y;}function turtleDistTo(x,y){
return sqrt(sq(this.x-x)+sq(this.y-y));}function turtleAngleTo(x,y){
var absAngle=degrees(atan2(y-this.y,x-this.x));
var angle=((absAngle-this.angle)+360)%360.0;return angle;}
function turtleTurnToward(x,y,d){var angle = this.angleTo(x,y);if(angle< 180){
this.angle+=d;}else{this.angle-=d;}}function turtleSetColor(c){this.color=c;}
function turtleSetWeight(w){this.weight=w;}function turtleFace(angle){
this.angle = angle;}function makeTurtle(tx,ty,targetx,targety){var turtle={x:tx,y:ty,
right:turtleRight,forward:turtleForward, back:turtleBack,penDown:turtlePenDown,
penUp:turtlePenUp,goto:turtleGoTo, angleto:turtleAngleTo,
turnToward:turtleTurnToward,distanceTo:turtleDistTo, angleTo:turtleAngleTo,
setColor:turtleSetColor, setWeight:turtleSetWeight,face:turtleFace,
tx:targetx, ty:targety, life:0, speed:1, moveMode:0};
return turtle;}

You can move with W,A,S,D or the arrow keys. Click to cast Magic Missile!
Tips and things to note:
The glow on your staff indicates how much mana you have. If you’re shooting slowly, let up on the firing and just let it recharge
The magic missiles bank towards where your mouse is when you fire them. Aim slightly ahead of enemies for best results

I might have gone a bit overkill.
When I first saw turtle graphics I was like “Huh, you could make a cool magic missile effect”
This game is built completely around that.

To briefly go over the game itself, it’s a dungeon crawler. The player goes into randomly generated rooms with randomly generated enemies which make up floors of random length. As the player progresses through the floors, the average enemy speed and number in a room will gradually increase. Paired with the player’s health that only partially returns when a floor is completed, it’s certain that the player will die. The question then is how far can they make it?

To help me troubleshoot the project, I added in a ‘debug mode’ of sorts. By pressing ‘=’, the player can see a lot of cheaty data, spawn enemies, generate the final room of each floor, and increase how many floors the game thinks the player has cleared.
There were a lot of challenges. I wasn’t sure how to do level generation (the system can easily do non-linear levels by generating more doors but linear is easy to play through) and for a while, enemy AI was giving me some problems.

In the end, I’m more than happy with what I made. I enjoy playing it, I enjoyed making it, and I enjoy changing some of the settings to make the game truly ridiculous.
Also the visual assets are either made by me or heavily changed free assets

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