Sean Meng-Project 10-Interactive Sonic Sketch


//Sean Meng
//Section C
//Project-10-Interactive Sonic Sketches

var mySoundA;
var mySoundB;

function preload() {
    mySoundA = loadSound("");

    mySoundB = loadSound("");

    mySoundC = loadSound("");

    mySoundD = loadSound("");

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);

function draw() {
    var bSize = 16;

    background(255, 201, 54);

//draw the play station
//the body of the play station    
    rect(150, 100, 180, 270);
    rect(150, 90, 180, 10);
    rect(150, 370, 180, 10);
    rect(140, 100, 10, 270);
    rect(330, 100, 10, 270);
    ellipse(150, 100, 20, 20);
    ellipse(330, 100, 20, 20);
    ellipse(150, 370, 20, 20);
    ellipse(330, 370, 20, 20);

//the screen 
    rect(160, 110, 160, 110);
    ellipse(160, 110, 16, 16);
    ellipse(320, 110, 16, 16);
    ellipse(160, 220, 16, 16);
    ellipse(320, 220, 16, 16);

    rect(160, 102, 160, 8);
    rect(160, 220, 160, 8);
    rect(152, 110, 8, 110);
    rect(320, 110, 8, 110);

    rect(160, 110, 160, 110)

//Left button
    rect(160, 280, 50, 10);
    rect(180, 260, 10, 50);

//Right button A
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    ellipse(290, 270, bSize);
//Right button B
    ellipse(290, 300, bSize);  
//Right button C
    ellipse(275, 285, bSize);
//Right button D
    ellipse(305, 285, bSize);    

function mousePressed() {
//fill the screen blue when button is clicked
    fill(138, 218, 255);
    rect(160, 110, 160, 110);

//play soundA when buttonA is clicked
    if(mouseX > 282 & mouseX < 298 && mouseY > 262 && mouseY < 278){;
//play soundB when buttonB is clicked    
    if(mouseX > 282 & mouseX < 298 && mouseY > 292 && mouseY < 308){;
//play soundC when buttonC is clicked
    if(mouseX > 267 & mouseX < 283 && mouseY > 277 && mouseY < 293){;
//play soundD when buttonD is clicked
    if(mouseX > 297 & mouseX < 313 && mouseY > 277 && mouseY < 293){;

In this project, I explored the sound upload in p5js and mimicked the Nintendo Family Computer with corresponded game sound effects.

Jai Sawkar – Looking Outwards – 10

“NightFall” by Mileece (2003)

This week, I looked at the work done by Mileece Petre, an English sound artist & environmental designer who makes generative & interactive art through plants. She believes that plants are observational and interactive beings, and she uses plants to make music by attaching electrodes to them. She uses data from the plants in the form of electromagnetic currents, and this data is translated into code. This code is then transformed into musical notes, in which she composes music from.

This project is super cool to me because it truly thinks out of the box. She is able to make minimalist, introspective music simply from small currents from plants. Moreover, it reflects the true possibilities of what music with computational tools can be!


Nawon Choi— Project 10 Sonic Sketch


Clicking on the red balloon will expand it, until it pops and returns back to its original size. Clicking on the top or bottom half will play different types of background music.

I had fun playing around with the whimsical visualizations and sounds, as well as the interactive visual and audio elements.

// Nawon Choi
// Section C
// Project 10 Sonic Sketch

var s = 50;
// balloon coordinates
var balloonY = 200;
var balloonX = 200;
// balloon width & height
var bw;
var bh;

function preload() {
    p = loadSound("");

    air = loadSound("");

    // top bgm
    bgm = loadSound("");
    // bottom bgm
    bgm2 = loadSound("");


function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function soundSetup() { // setup for audio generation
    // you can replace any of this with your own audio code:
    osc = new p5.TriOsc();
    // osc.start();


function draw() {
    rect(0, 200, 400, 200);

    // balloon
    line(balloonX, height, balloonX, balloonY);

    bw = s + 25;
    bh = s + 50;
    ellipse(balloonX, balloonY, bw, bh);
    // triangle(100, 135, 110, 150, 90, 150);


function mousePressed() {
    // balloon grows when clicked
    var xdist = bw / 2;
    var ydist = bh / 2;
    if (mouseX > (balloonX - xdist) & mouseX < (balloonX + xdist)) {
        if (mouseY > (balloonY - ydist) && mouseY < (balloonY + ydist)) {
            if (s >= 50 && s < 100) {
                s += 10;
            } else if (s >= 100) {
                // balloon pops and resets
                s = 50;

    // play different bgm based on top or bottom half click
    if (mouseY < 200) {
    } else if (mouseY > 200) {

Nawon Choi— Looking Outward 10

“THIS is computer music” Ted Talk by Ge Wang

I came across this Tedx Talk from a Stanford professor named Ge Wang. Wang is an assistant professor at Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics. He conducts research on computer music and works on a variety of projects ranging from being the author of ChucK a music programming language to a Laptop and Mobile Phone Orchestras. I thought it was really interesting that he is conducting research at an educational institution.

I really admired the way Wang focuses not just on the production of music, but the individual person’s expression of the music. This intentionality is expressed in through the various ways he implemented his computer music instruments. Each “instrument’s” sound and the way the sound is generated is highly reliant on the musician’s decisions on the way they play the instrument. Moreover, Wang really takes advantage of the “computer” aspect of computer music by creating something really beautiful through his music creating app, Smule. Users from all over the world were able to add their voices to a rendition of “Lean on Me” to send hope to earthquake victims in Japan in 2011 (last example in the video).

Kimberlyn Cho- Project 10- SonicSketch

I created a sound to represent the static on the TV. I then used mouseX and mouseY to control the frequency and volume of the sound respectively. To change the TV screen or the “channel”, I uploaded different images and sounds so that when the mouse leaves the TV to the left and right, the channels would change accordingly.


/* Kimberlyn Cho
Section C
Project-10 */

/* directions:
move vertically = control the volume of the beep
move horizontally = control the frequency of the beep & change TV screens 
    - move to the left or right of the TV to change TV "channels" */

var screenW = 360
var screenH = 300
var rectW = 10
var rectH = 20
var angle = 0
var myImageURL = ["", ""]
var imageA;
var imageB;
//original sound file names 
var mySndURL = ["rickandmorty.wav", "porter.wav"]
var sndA;
var sndB;
var sndAstart;
var sndBstart;

function preload() {
    //loading images and sounds and setting them as variables
    sndA = loadSound("");
    sndB = loadSound("")
    imageA = loadImage(myImageURL[0]);
    imageB = loadImage(myImageURL[1]);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function soundSetup() {
    //creating a beep to represent the screen with static
    osc = new p5.SinOsc();

function draw() {
    //drawing background based on mouse location even beyond canvas size (so there will always be a background)
    background(256, mouseX, mouseY);
    //function to create TV features
    //function to control TV screens

function drawTVoptions() {
    //constraining TV to appear only if mouse is within canvas limits
    if (mouseX < width & mouseY < height) {

        line(320, 95, 370, 10);
        line(320, 95, 250, 5);
        ellipse(320, 95, 100, 50);

        rect(320, 280, 500, 380, 50);
        rect(290, 280, 380, 320, 30);

        //tv controls
        ellipse(525, 175, 50, 50);
        ellipse(525, 250, 50, 50);

        //rotating dials
        translate(525, 175);
        rotate(radians((angle + 20) + mouseX / 2));
        rect(0, 0, 40, 10);
        translate(525, 250);
        rotate(radians(-angle + mouseX / 2));
        rect(0, 0, 40, 10);

        rect(525, 360, 6, 136);
        var slider = map(mouseY, 0, height, 292, 428);
        slider = constrain(slider, 292, 428)
        rect(525, slider, 25, 25);

function drawTVscreen() {
    //changing channel to rick and morty if mouse is to the left of the TV
    if (mouseX < width / 10 & mouseY < height) {
        image(imageA, 110, 130);
        if (sndAstart) {
  , 1, 2)
        sndAstart = false
    } else {
        sndAstart = true

    //static screen and sounds play if mouse is on TV
    if (mouseX > width / 10 & mouseX < 9 * width / 10 && mouseY < height) {
        //tv screen
        rect(290, 280, screenW, screenH);
        //to imitate static
        var color = random(0, 255);
        //to constrain static heights within screen
        length = map(mouseY, 0, height, 292, 428);
        var length2 = constrain(length, 0, height);

        var staticH = height - length2;

        translate(110, 130);
        fill(color, mouseX, color);
        rect(screenW * 0.02, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .3);
        rect(screenW * 0.06, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .8);   
        rect(screenW * 0.10, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .6);
        rect(screenW * 0.14, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .4);
        rect(screenW * 0.18, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .7);
        rect(screenW * 0.22, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .3);
        rect(screenW * 0.26, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .5);
        rect(screenW * 0.30, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .8);
        rect(screenW * 0.34, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .4);
        rect(screenW * 0.38, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .3);
        rect(screenW * 0.42, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .6);
        rect(screenW * 0.46, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .7);
        rect(screenW * 0.50, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .8);
        rect(screenW * 0.54, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .5);
        rect(screenW * 0.58, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .7);
        rect(screenW * 0.62, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .6);
        rect(screenW * 0.66, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .4);
        rect(screenW * 0.70, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .4);
        rect(screenW * 0.74, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .2);
        rect(screenW * 0.78, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .3);
        rect(screenW * 0.82, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .5);
        rect(screenW * 0.86, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .7);
        rect(screenW * 0.90, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .6);
        rect(screenW * 0.94, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .8);
        rect(screenW * 0.98, screenH / 2, rectW, staticH * .4);

        //controlling frequency with mouseX
        var newpitch = map(width - mouseX, 0, width, 800, 50)

        //controlling volume with mouseY
        var newvolume = map(height - mouseY, 0, height, 0.1, 3)
    } else {
        //muting beep if mouse goes beyond range

    //changing channel to porter robinson if mouse is to the left of the TV
    if (mouseX > 9 * width / 10 & mouseX < width && mouseY < height) {
        image(imageB, 110, 130);
        if (sndBstart) {
  , 1, 2);
        sndBstart = false
    } else {
        sndBstart = true

lee chu – project 10


// lee chu
// section c
// project - 10

var ampTog;
var freqTog;
var recordSpinL;
var recordSpinR;
var prevR;
var play;

var playToggle;

var scratch;
var scratch2;
var buildup;
var drop;
var volume;

var visualImage;

var px = [];
var py = [];
var dx = [];
var dy = [];

function preload() {
	// load sounds
	scratch = loadSound('');
	scratch2 = loadSound('');
	buildup = loadSound('');
	drop = loadSound('');

    // load visuals
    visualImage = loadImage('');

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    recordSpinL = 0; recordSpinR = 0;
    volume = 0.2;
    playFill = 'red';
    playToggle = 0;

    visualImage.resize(width, height);

    // visuals setup
    for (var i = 0; i < 150; i ++) {

function draw() {
	if (drop.isPlaying() == false) {
		background(255, 255, 220);
	else {
		for (var i = 0; i < px.length; i ++) {
	    	var ix = constrain(floor(px[i]), 0, width-1);
	        var iy = constrain(floor(py[i]), 0, height-1);
	        var theColorAtLocationXY = visualImage.get(ix, iy);

	        rect(px[i], py[i], 30, 30);

	        // random movement
	        px[i] += dx[i] * random(-2, 10);
	        py[i] += dy[i] * random(-2, 10);

	        // keeping painters on the canvas
	        if (px[i] > width) {
	            px[i] = 0;
	        else if (px[i] < 0) {
	            px[i] = width;
	        if (py[i] > height) {
	            py[i] = 0;
	        else if (py[i] < 0) {
	            py[i] = height;
	// sound board
	dial(width / 2 - 30, 2 * height / 3 - 5);
	dial(width / 2 + 30, 2 * height / 3 - 5);

    // play button
	rect(width / 2 + 4, 3 * height / 4 + 4, 30, 20);
	rect(width / 2, 3 * height / 4, 30, 20);
	triangle(width / 2 - 5, 3 * height / 4 - 4, width / 2 - 5, 3 * height / 4 + 4,
		width / 2 + 5, 3 * height / 4);

	// basssss
	ellipse(width / 2 + 4, 3 * height / 4 + 60 + 4, 40);
	if (buildup.isPlaying()) {
	ellipse(width / 2, 3 * height / 4 + 60, 40);
	text('DROP', width / 2 - 17, 3 * height / 4 + 65);

	// record
	disc(width / 4, 3 * width / 4 + 10, recordSpinL);
	disc(3 * width / 4, 3 * width / 4 + 10, recordSpinR);
	if (play == 1) {
		recordSpinL += PI / 100;
		recordSpinR += PI / 100;

function disc(x, y, r) {
    // shadow
    translate(x + 5, y + 5);
    ellipse(0, 0, 155);

	// record
	translate(x, y);
	ellipse(0, 0, 155);
	fill(30, 40, 185);
	ellipse(0, 0, 40);
	ellipse(0, 0, 6);

	// scratches
	arc(0, 0, 140, 140, 0, PI / 4);
	arc(0, 0, 120, 120, PI / 2, 5 * PI / 4);
    arc(0, 0, 75, 75, 0, PI / 2);
    arc(0, 0, 85, 85, PI, 7 * PI / 4);

    // more scratches
    line(0, 30, 0, 66);
    line(-30, 0, -70, 0);
    line(20, -20, 45, -45);
    line(22, 22, 48, 48);

function dial(x, y, r) {
	// shadow
	translate(x + 5, y + 5);
	ellipse(0, 0, 35);

	// knob
	translate(x, y);
	ellipse(0, 0, 35);

	// pointer
	line(0, 0, 0, -35 / 2);

function soundBoard() {
	// shadow
	rect(width / 2 + 10, 4 * height / 5 - 20 + 10, 7 * width / 8, height / 2.5, 20);
	// red
	fill(175, 50, 50);
	rect(width / 2, 4 * height / 5 - 20, 7 * width / 8, height / 2.5, 20);

function mousePressed() {
	// toggles spinning records
	play = 1;
	// left scratch sound
	if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, width / 4, 3 * width / 4 + 10) < 77.5) {
		recordSpinL -= PI / 4;
		if (scratch.isPlaying()) {
	// right scratch sound
	if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, 3 * width / 4, 3 * width / 4 + 10) < 77.5) {
		recordSpinR-= PI / 4;
		if (scratch2.isPlaying()) {
	// play button
	if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, width / 2, 3 * height / 4) < 20) {
		playFill = 'green';
		if (buildup.isPlaying()) {
	// bass button
	if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, width / 2, 3 * height / 4 + 60) < 20 & buildup.isPlaying()) {
		if (buildup.isPlaying()) {
		if (drop.isPlaying()) {

In this primitive virtual audio mixer, I included two dj scratch sounds on each disc, a play button to activate the build up, and a button which drops the bass c:

Timothy Liu — Project 10 — Sonic Sketch

Click on a drum to hear its sound!


// Timothy Liu
// 15-104, Section C
// OpenEnded-10

// bass drum variables
var bassDrumW = 200;
var bassDrumX;
var bassDrumY;
var rimWidth = 20;
var bassRadius = bassDrumW / 2;

// high tom tom variables
var tomTomW = 100;
var tomTomH = 40;
var tomTomBaseW = 100;
var tomTomBaseH = 50;
var tomTomX1 = 220;
var tomTomY1 = 200;
var tomTomX2 = 380;
var tomTomY2 = 200;
var baseOffset = tomTomW / 2;
var tomTomRodW = 5;
var tomTomRodH = 250;
var httRodOffset = tomTomRodW / 2;
var hTTDRadius = 50;

// floor tom tom variables
var fTomTomW = 150;
var fTomTomH = 60;
var fTomTomBaseW = 150;
var fTomTomBaseH = 100;
var fTomTomX = 135;
var fTomTomY = 300;
var fBaseOffsetX = fTomTomW / 2;
var fBaseOffsetY = 100;
var fTomTomRodW = 8;
var fTomTomRodH = 100;
var fRodOffset = fTomTomRodW / 2;
var fTTDRadius = 95;

// snare drum
var snareW = 120;
var snareH = 40;
var snareBaseW = 120;
var snareBaseH = 30;
var snareX = 450;
var snareY = 275;
var snareOffsetX = snareW / 2;
var snareOffsetY = snareBaseH;
var snareRodW = 8;
var snareRodH = 200;
var snareRodOffset = snareRodW / 2;
var snareRadius = 50;

// cymbals
var cymbalX1 = [100, 130];
var cymbalY1 = [30, 150];
var cymbalZ1 = [170, 150];
var cymbalX2 = [500, 130];
var cymbalY2 = [570, 150];
var cymbalZ2 = [430, 150];
var cymbalRodH = 350;
var cymbalRodW = 4;
var cymbalOffset = cymbalRodW / 2;
var cymbalH = 20;

// variables for sounds
var hTTDSound;
var FTTDSound;
var bassDSound;
var cymbalSound;
var snareDSound;

// preload all the different drum sounds: snare, bass, high tom tom, floor tom tom, and cymbal
function preload() {
    snareDSound = loadSound("");

    bassDSound = loadSound("");

    hTTDSound = loadSound("");

    fTTDSound = loadSound("");

    cymbalSound = loadSound("");


function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {

    background(200, 200, 255); // blue background


    highTomTomDrum(tomTomX1, tomTomY1); // calls the high Tom Tom Drum drawing function and places it at the first x, y
    highTomTomDrum(tomTomX2, tomTomY2); // calls the high Tom Tom Drum drawing function again and places it at the other x, y
    cymbals(cymbalX1, cymbalY1, cymbalZ1); // calls the cymbal drawing function and places it at the first x, y
    cymbals(cymbalX2, cymbalY2, cymbalZ2); // calls the cymbal drawing function again and places it at the other x, y
    floorTomTomDrum(fTomTomX, fTomTomY); // calls the floor Tom Tom Drum drawing function and places it at the given x, y
    snareDrum(snareX, snareY); // calls the snare drum drawing function and places it at the given x, y
    bassDrum(); // calls the bass drum drawing function


function mousePressed() {
    // play the high tom tom drum sound when the mouse is pressed on the left high tom tom drum
    if (insideHTTDrumLeft() === true) {;

    // play the high tom tom drum sound when the mouse is pressed on the right high tom tom drum
    if (insideHTTDrumRight() === true) {;

    // play the floor tom tom drum sound when the mouse is pressed on the floor tom tom drum
    if (insideFTTDrum() === true) {;
    // play the bass drum sound when the mouse is pressed on the bass drum
    if (insideBassDrum() === true) {;

    // play the bass drum sound when the mouse is pressed on the snare drum
    if (insideSnare() === true) {;

    // play the bass drum sound when the mouse is pressed on the left cymbal
    if (insideCymbalLeft() === true) {;

    // play the bass drum sound when the mouse is pressed on the right cymbal
    if (insideCymbalRight() === true) {;

function insideHTTDrumLeft() {
    var dHTTDrumLeft = dist(mouseX, mouseY, tomTomX1, tomTomY1 + 30); // dist from mouse to center of left HTT Drum
    if (dHTTDrumLeft <= hTTDRadius) { // checks if the distance from mouse to the center is less than the radius of the HTT drum (which would mean it's inside the drum)
        return true;

function insideHTTDrumRight() {
    var dHTTDrumRight = dist(mouseX, mouseY, tomTomX2, tomTomY2 + 30); // dist from mouse to center of right HTT Drum
    if (dHTTDrumRight <= hTTDRadius) { // checks if the distance from mouse to the center is less than the radius of the HTT drum (which would mean it's inside the drum)
        return true;

function insideFTTDrum() {
    var dFTTDrum = dist(mouseX, mouseY, fTomTomX, fTomTomY + 75); // dist from mouse to center of FTT Drum
    if (dFTTDrum <= fTTDRadius) { // checks if the distance from mouse to the center is less than the radius of the FTT drum (which would mean it's inside the drum)
        return true;

function insideBassDrum() {
    var dBass = dist(mouseX, mouseY, bassDrumX, bassDrumY); // dist from mouse to center of bass drum
    if (dBass <= bassRadius) { // checks if the distance from mouse to the center is less than the radius of the bass drum (which would mean it's inside the drum)
        return true;

function insideSnare() {
    var dSnare = dist(mouseX, mouseY, snareX, snareY + 25); // dist from mouse to center of snare drum
    if (dSnare <= snareRadius) { // checks if the distance from mouse to the center is less than the radius of the snare drum (which would mean it's inside the drum)
        return true;

function insideCymbalLeft() { // is the mouse inside the left cymbal?
    if (mouseX >= 30 & mouseX <= 170 && mouseY >= 130 && mouseY <= 150) { // checks if the mouse is inside the edges of the cymbal
        return true; 

function insideCymbalRight() { // is the mouse inside the right cymbal?
    if (mouseX >= 430 & mouseX <= 570 && mouseY >= 130 && mouseY <= 150) { // checks if the mouse is inside the edges of the cymbal
        return true;

function highTomTomDrum(x, y) { // function that draws the high tom tom drums (the 2 small middle ones)

    fill(64, 40, 15);
    rect(x - httRodOffset, y + baseOffset, tomTomRodW, tomTomRodH);

    fill(163, 47, 29);
    ellipse(x, y + baseOffset, tomTomW, tomTomH);
    rect(x - baseOffset, y, tomTomBaseW, tomTomBaseH);

    fill(255, 245, 212);
    ellipse(x, y, tomTomW, tomTomH);


function floorTomTomDrum(x, y) { // function that draws the floor tom tom drum (the bigger left one)

    fill(64, 40, 15);
    rect(x - fRodOffset, y + fBaseOffsetY, fTomTomRodW, fTomTomRodH);

    fill(163, 47, 29);
    ellipse(x, y + fBaseOffsetY, fTomTomW, fTomTomH);
    rect(x - fBaseOffsetX, y, fTomTomBaseW, fTomTomBaseH);

    fill(255, 245, 212);
    ellipse(x, y, fTomTomW, fTomTomH);

function bassDrum() { // function that draws the bass drum (the big round middle one)

    bassDrumX = width / 2;
    bassDrumY = 2 * height / 3;
    fill(163, 47, 29);
    ellipse(bassDrumX, bassDrumY, bassDrumW + rimWidth, bassDrumW + rimWidth)
    fill(255, 245, 212);
    ellipse(bassDrumX, bassDrumY, bassDrumW, bassDrumW);


function snareDrum(x, y) { // function that draws the snare drum (flatter one on right)

    fill(64, 40, 15);
    rect(x - snareRodOffset, y + snareOffsetY, snareRodW, snareRodH);

    fill(163, 47, 29);
    ellipse(x, y + snareOffsetY, snareW, snareH);
    rect(x - snareOffsetX, y, snareBaseW, snareBaseH);

    fill(255, 245, 212);
    ellipse(x, y, snareW, snareH);


function cymbals(x, y, z) { // function that draws the cymbals

    fill(64, 40, 15);
    rect(cymbalX1[0] - cymbalOffset, cymbalX1[1] + cymbalH, cymbalRodW, cymbalRodH);
    rect(cymbalX2[0] - cymbalOffset, cymbalX2[1] + cymbalH, cymbalRodW, cymbalRodH);
    fill(255, 227, 46);
    triangle(x[0], x[1], y[0], y[1], z[0], z[1]);


For my sonic sketch, I decided to build an interactive drum set. My drum set is comprised of a bass drum, 2 high tom-tom drums, a snare drum, a floor tom-tom drum, and 2 cymbals (as labeled in the diagram).

A labeled diagram of the different parts of my drum set. Each one, when clicked, makes a different sound!

The drum set took a while to create, as I wanted to create separate functions for each drum in order to simplify my draw function. After drawing the drums, I went to and found audio files to match each of the drums. I then implemented the logic within mousePressed() to make sure that the sound played when the mouse clicked on the corresponding drum. I really enjoyed this project because it felt very systematic to program and it encouraged me to utilize various functions as well as ample amounts of logic. In addition, getting to learn how to preload sounds was beneficial for my development as a programmer!

Austin Garcia – Looking Outwards 10 – Section C

While still not entirely sure what sound art could be defined as, I was looking around online and found this piece by Jana Winderen called “Out of Range”. This piece was created by using a variety of different, specialized microphones and hydrophones to capture sounds of various animals that are out of the range of human hearing. From the echolocation of bats to the communications of whales and dolphins, this audio ensemble combines all these inaudible noises and brings them to our ears. The result is a suite of natural sounds that seem familiar but are truly unique.

I am still not 100% sure what could be considered sound art and what could not. However, I do certainly believe that this piece ought to be classified as sound art due to the grace in its composition but also its reason for existing. To bring these sounds to human ears in such a way is truly an artistic feat.


Austin Garcia – Project 10 – Group C


/*  Austin Garcia
		Section C
		Project 10
//I decided to take some old code from a lab that I bugged out on accident
// and use it as a visually interesting way to generate random y VALS

var balls = [200]
var ball = {
  x: balls,
  y: 0,
  speed: 0,
  display: function() {
  fill(255); ellipse(this.x, this.y, 20, 20);
  move: function() {
    this.y = this.y + this.speed;
    this.speed = this.speed + gravity;
  bounce: function() {
    if (this.y > height - 11) {
      this.speed = this.speed * -1;

var xarray = []
var yarray = []
var size = 0;

var gravity = 0.1;

function setup() {
    // you can change the next 2 lines:
    createCanvas(400, 700);
    createDiv("p5.dom.js library is loaded.");
    //======== call the following to use sound =========

function soundSetup() { // setup for audio generation
    // you can replace any of this with your own audio code:
    osc = new p5.TriOsc();

    osc1 = new p5.TriOsc();


function draw() {
    // you can replace any of this with your own code:
    size = 1

    //draw circle
    for (var i = 0; i < xarray.length; i += 1) {
        ellipse(xarray[i], yarray[i], size, size)
        size += 1
        if (size > 20) {
          size = 1
        yarray.push(random(10, height - 10));


    if (xarray.length > 5 || yarray.length > 5) {
    //draw line
    for (var i = 0; i <= xarray.length; i += 1) {
        //for (var n = 0; n <= yarray.length; n += 1){}     ADD THIS IN FOR A COOL EFFECT (DONT FORGET TO CHANGE Y VALS)
            line (xarray[i], yarray[i], xarray[i+1], yarray[i+1]);





function mouseDragged() {


function mousePressed() {
    xarray = []
    yarray = []


I lowered the frame rate to give the randomness less of an oppressive sound. I kept the gradual rise and fall of the sphere in the center as a constant element amidst the randomness.

Jasmine Lee – Looking Outwards – 10

During my search for computational sound art, I stumbled upon the Looks Like Music exhibit by Yuri Suzuki. Created as an installation for MUDAM, the piece involves small robots which create sound based on the tracks they encounter. These little robots move using little wheels, following a black path drawn by the user. When colored marks are also drawn along that path, the colored visuals are translated into sounds as they are encountered by the machine.

Above: Video of MUDAM 2013 Looks Like Music exhibit

The installation invites people to interact with it, encouraging people to make their own marks using colored felt pens on a large roll of white paper on the ground. There are five of the sound robots, each with their own distinct set of noises. The noises include low bass noises, computer percussion, drum samples, arpeggio, and chord samples. The artist’s sensibilities in the way he chose to depict the installation as a whimsical playground for visitors to enjoy. This is shown by the curvy, exploring lines drawn in the video example, the colorful visuals, and the abstract shapes of the machines.

Some of the drawn notations used in Suzuki’s project.
From left to right: drumcar, glitch car, arpeggiocar, basscar, melodycar