//Kristine Kim
//section D
var bright = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 300);
function draw() {
//background is fading from black to white and
//when it turns white, it goes back to black and fad
bright = bright + 1;
if (bright == 255){
bright = 0
//all the colors are controlled by mouseX and mouseY
for(var i = 0; i<= 400; i+= 15){
// the top right corner web
stroke(26, 9, mouseX);
line(i, 0, 400, i);
// the bottome left corner web
stroke(mouseX, 9, 217);
line(0, i, i - 5, height);
//the bigger web that covers half of the canvas diagonally
stroke(0, mouseX, 217);
line(400, -i, i + 5, height);
//the right
stroke(100, mouseY, 200);
line(mouseX, mouseY, 400, i);
stroke(100, mouseY, 200);
line(0, i, mouseX, mouseY);
//moueseX and mouseY controlling the vertical lines
for(var i = 0; i < 400; i += 18){
line(mouseX, i * 3, width / 2, i - 10);
stroke(247, 255, 140);
line(mouseX, i * 3, mouseY + 50, i - 10);
stroke(247, 255, 140);
line(mouseX, i * 3, mouseY - 50, i - 10);
This project was both very fun and challenging. I played around with different functions and codes that we learned in the previous weeks, such as fading background, mouseX mouseY, etc.