Caroline Song – Project 04 – String Art


//Caroline Song
//Section E

function setup (){
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw(){

    //blue lines on bottom left
    for(var i = 0; i < 300; i += 1.5) {
        stroke(161, 236, 255);
        line(0, i * 5, i * 5, height);

    //blue lines on top right
    for(var i = 0; i < 400; i += 1.5) {
        stroke(161, 236, 255);
        line(width, i * 5, i * 5, 0);

    //pink lines which turns in the middle
    for(var i = 0; i < 400; i += 1.5) {
        stroke(255, 201, 244);
        line(height, -i * 4, i * 4, width - 100);

    //yellow lines in the very front
    for(var i = 0; i < 600; i += 5) {
        stroke(207, 207, 145);
        line(i * 4, height, -i * 4, 0);


During the project, I wanted to experiment with the contrast between the dark color of the background and the lighter colors of the lines. I wanted to also look at the how the lines interact with each other in both form and color. Looking at the final product, it reminds me a little bit of laser beams in the dark.

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