Timothy Liu — LookingOutwards — 05

PKTS_09, a sci-fi-esque artwork by Ukranian artist Eugene Golovanchuk. Golovanchuk utilizes incredibly lifelike texture, reflection, and colors to create his masterpiece.

For this week’s Looking Outwards, I looked at PKTS_09, one of the works of the Ukranian artist Eugene Golovanchuk (aka “Skeeva”). His works all involve bold, daring colors and shapes, but this one in particular caught my eye because of its flashy lighting and garish colors.

PKTS_09 is the 9th piece in a self-proclaimed “series of personal artworks executed in surreal, abstract & sci-fi 3d style.” It portrays a man in a spacesuit similar to the ones worn by Daft Punk as he stands proudly with his shimmering sequined bodysuit. The colors in PKTS_09 are marvelous, and they feature both an analogous and complementary color scheme. The purple and pink tones (analogous) create a warm yet mysterious atmosphere, and the yellow glinting of the sequins complements the purple background well (complementary). Many of Skeeva’s design choices make the whole piece cohesive and fun; the floating disco balls fill negative space well, and the fact that so many of the elements have a similar shimmer makes the canvas feel unified.

Skeeva gives a great quote that reminded me a lot of the way p5.js drawing works:

“I usually use the viewport as an empty canvas, combining different silhouettes and textures into one composition to see how objects ‘feel’ inside the scene.”

p5.js, of course, also uses a canvas to draw in shapes. I also try to utilize this mentality when creating my code and designs, as I’m always looking to compose my canvas so that different objects balance each other out inside the scene. Skeeva mentions that he primarily uses Cinema 4D for rendering and drawing, so I decided to look up the software to see how it works. Sure enough, Cinema 4D uses a coordinate system to render objects, just like p5.js! These similarities are very motivating; although p5.js obviously can’t render objects at the fidelity that Cinema 4D can, it’s exciting to see that utilizing a coordinate system to render and place objects can lead to remarkable artwork and results.




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