Zee Salman- Looking Outwards 06- Section E

This work made by Bogdan Soban really called out to me because I love how the texture is laid out across the screen. There are different levels of detail within each corner of the image. It is very abstract, and having computation to be responsible for an image like this makes it very intriguing.

This was created by the use of Random images to generate a visual way to create a whole new image. There are three different images that can be generated by what the application is itself, or imported from somewhere else to get something similar. The picture is formed from RGB color components of “points stored in the internal matrix” of the program. Once that is done, the program reads all of them at the same time and draws the fourth picture according to Bogdan. For the algorithm, I don’t know much about how a piece like this was created. Bogdan mentioned, “Calculation of the criterion for the color mixing is the core of the programming algorithm”. So I’m guessing the randomness would be for each point the algorithm or the randomness determines which pixel would be used on the new image or would be merged with another color. There is a large area to make the mixing algorithm more and more complex in order to get more interesting results. So the more contrasts the original pictures have, the complex your compiled picture is going to be.

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