Ghalya Alsanea – Project 06-Abstract Clock

A modern clepsydra

a timepiece in which time is measured by the regulated flow of liquid.


//Ghalya Alsanea
//Section B

//configure sizes of each water bowl
var secBowl = 25;
var minBowl = 18;
var hrBowl = 20;
//define x coordinates and y start points for each bowl
var secX = 200;
var secY = 150;
var minX = 300;
var minY = 60;
var hourX = 150;
var hourY = 90;
//water drop animation start X and Y positions 
var startX = 0;
var startY = 0; 

//set up fill matrix for the seconds
//row is time intervals (s)
//columns are fill for the seconds bowls
var fills =[['blue' , 255   , 255   , 255   ],
            [255    , 'blue', 255   , 255   ],
            ['blue' , 'blue', 255   , 255   ],
            [255    , 255   , 'blue', 255   ],
            ['blue' , 255   , 'blue', 255   ],
            [255    , 'blue', 'blue', 255   ],
            ['blue' , 'blue', 'blue', 255   ],
            [255    , 255   , 255   , 'blue'],
            ['blue' , 255   , 255   , 'blue'],
            [255    , 'blue', 255   , 'blue'],
            ['blue' , 'blue', 255   , 'blue'],
            [255    , 255   , 'blue', 'blue'],
            ['blue' , 255   , 'blue', 'blue'],
            [255    , 'blue', 'blue', 'blue'],
            ['blue' , 'blue', 'blue', 'blue'],

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    //background mechanisms --> graphics
    arc(width/2, 20, 50, 50, 0, 180);
    arc(width/2, 30, 40, 28, 0, 180);
    circle(width/2, height -50, 50);
    //connecting tubes
    rect(width/2 - 3, 32, 6, height - 100);
    rect(minX - 2,  minY + minBowl * 0.6 * 29, 4, minBowl + 10);
    //blue lines
    //minute connectors
    line(minX, (minY + minBowl * 31 * 0.6), width/2, height - 50);
    line(minX - minBowl +2, minY + minBowl * 0.6 * 30, minX, minY + minBowl * 0.6 * 30);
    //seconds connectors
    line(secX, secY + secBowl*6, secX, secY + secBowl*7);
    line(secX, secY + secBowl*7, width/2, secY + secBowl*8);
    line(secX, secY, secX, secY - secBowl*3);
    arc(secX + 8, secY - secBowl*3, 16, 16, 180, 360);
    line(secX + 16, secY - secBowl*3, secX + 16, secY - secBowl*2);
    arc(secX + 24, secY - secBowl*2, 16, 16, 0, 180);
    line(secX + 32, secY - secBowl*2, secX + 32, 35);
    //don't start filling up hours if it's noon or midnight
    if(hour() == 12) {
    } else {
    //hour connectors
    line(minX - minBowl*2,  hourY + hrBowl * 1.2 * 12, hourX, hourY + hrBowl * 1.2 * 12);
    line(hourX, hourY + hrBowl * 1.2 * 11, hourX, hourY + hrBowl * 1.2 * 12);
    //purely white lines
    arc(minX- minBowl*1.5 + 2, minY, minBowl, minBowl, 180, 360);
    line(minX - minBowl*2 + 2,  minY, minX - minBowl*2 + 2, hourY);
    line(hourX, hourY-25, hourX, hourY);
    line(hourX, hourY-25, width / 2 - 15, 25);

    //do the math to figure out the times in useful numbers
    //since the cycle is in 2 minute intervals
    //you have to shift the seconds in the second minute
    if(minute() % 2 == 0) {
        var s = floor(second() / 8);
    } else {
        var s = floor((60 + second())/8);
    //if minutes is divisible by 2, fill one of the minute bowls
    var m = floor(minute()/2);
    //every hour, fill one hour bowl
    var h = hour() % 12;

    //seconds base
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        //assign each bowl to it's color        
        circle(secX, secY + secBowl * 1.5 * i, secBowl + 4*i);
        rect(secX - 3.5,  secY + secBowl * 1.5 * i, 7, secBowl + 4*i);

    //minutes base
    for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
        //figure out if bowl should be filled with water
        if(30 - i <= m){
        else {
        ellipse(minX, minY + minBowl * i * 0.6, minBowl, minBowl / 2);
        rect(minX - 2,  minY + minBowl * 0.6 * i, 4, minBowl / 2);
        //siphon tube
        rect(minX - minBowl,  minY + minBowl * 0.6 * i, 4, minBowl);        
        //tick marks for every 10 minutes
        if (i % 5 == 0) {
            translate(minX + minBowl, minY + minBowl * i * 0.6);
            for(var a = 0; a < 30 - i; a+=5){
                line(0, 0, a/2 + 2, 0);

    //hours base
    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        //figure out if bowl should be filled with water
        if(12 - i <= h){
        else {
        circle(hourX, hourY + hrBowl*1.2*i, hrBowl);
        rect(hourX - 3,  hourY + hrBowl * 1.2 * i, 6, hrBowl);        
        //siphon tube
        rect(minX - minBowl*2,  hourY + hrBowl * 1.2 * i, 4, hrBowl*2);

    // water dripping annimation
    translate(secX, secY - secBowl);
    //draw dashed line
    for (i = 0; i < 160; i+=20) {
        var y = map(startY, 0, secBowl*8, 0, 100);
        line(startX, y+i, startX, y + i + 5);
    //animate line
    startY = startY + 2;
    //reset after 3 bowls
    if (startY > secBowl*3) {
        startY = 0;

For this project I was inspired by this clock in a mall I used to go to back home, which is the oldest mall in Kuwait. I used to sit in the main lobby as a child and stare at the sculpture for hours. Here’s a video…

I started by doing a lot of research about water clocks and how they work. You can find a brief history here. I decided to take the modern approach of the scientist, Bernard Gitton’s. I used this animation to visually understand how the clock works, and I used the explanations behind the physics of the timepiece and the calculations found on this page to figure out the code necessary to simulate the water clock.

The biggest challenge was trying to understand how the seconds were working. I used an excel sheet to understand when each of the bowls need to be filled during which second, and mapped that to a 2D array matrix.

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