Zee Salman- Abstract Clock-Project-06


//Zee Salman
//Project 06

function setup(){

function draw(){ 

var s = second(); 
// controls seconds
var m = minute();
//control mintutes
var h = hour()%12;

var mappedH = map(h, 0,23, 0,width);
var mappedM = map(m, 0,59, 0,width);
var mappedS = map(s, 0,59, 0,width);
//control hours

//main backgrougnd
  background(219, 184, 255);

// outline box background
  fill(246, 201, 255);
  rect(20 , 40 , 410 , 320);

//hour outline box
  rect(30 , 50 , 200 , 300);
//min outline box
  rect(250 , 50 , 100 , 300);
//sec outline box
  // strokeWeight(5);
  stroke(107, 56, 128);
  rect(370 , 50 , 50 , 300);


//seconds box
  stroke(107, 56, 128);
  for(i = 0; i < mappedS; i++){
      rect(370 , 50 , 50 , 300 - i / 1.55);
  //hours box
  stroke(84, 64, 135);
  for(i = 0; i < mappedH; i++){
    rect(30 , 50 , 200 , 300 - i / 1.55 );

  //minutes box
  stroke(227, 61, 147);
  for(i = 0; i < mappedM; i++){
    rect(250 , 50 , 100 , 300 - i/ 1.55);



For my abstract clock, I first wanted to use words to go about my design, but I felt that it would be a bit too complicated. I felt the purpose of this project was to make it easy to still tell time while making it more interesting to do so. I really enjoyed making this project because I went through a lot of trial and error models until I found something I really liked. I also like the different sized in the boxes just to make it vary a bit more. When the Hour Box is full, that represents 24 hours. When the Minute Box is full that represents 60 minutes. When the Second Box is full, that represents 60 seconds.

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