// Alec Albright
// aalbrigh@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section B
// Project 06
var quartPossibleTop = [] // possible upper y values for quarter notes
var quartPlacesTop = [] // actual upper y values for quarter notes
var quartPossibleBottom = [] // possible lower y values for quarter notes
var quartPlacesBottom = [] // actual lower y values for quarter notes
var halfPossibleTop = [] // possible upper y values for half notes
var halfPlacesTop = [] // actual upper y values for half notes
var halfPossibleBottom = [] // possible lower y values for half notes
var halfPlacesBottom = [] // actual lower y values for half notes
var wholePossible = [] // possible y values for whole notes
var wholePlaces = [] // actual y values for whole notes
function setup(){
createCanvas(480, 480);
// defining possible quarter note y values
for(i = 20; i < 92; i += 8){
for(i = 115; i < 185; i += 8){
// predetermines random vertical placements on the staff
for(i = 0; i <= 30; i++){
for(i = 0; i <= 30; i++){
// defining possible half note y values
for(i = 205; i < 275; i += 8){
for(i = 300; i < 370; i += 8){
// predetermines random vertical placements on the staff
for(i = 0; i <= 30; i++){
for(i = 0; i <= 30; i++){
// defining possible whole note y values
for(i = 390; i < 460; i += 8){
// predetermines random vertical placements on the staff
for(i = 0; i < 24; i++){
function draw(){
// record current time
var h = hour();
var m = minute();
var s = second();
// drawing seconds
for(i = 1; i <= s; i++){
// draws a quarter note depending on minute
if(i <= 30){
// head
ellipse(15 * i, quartPlacesTop[i], 10, 8);
// stem
// top half
if(quartPlacesTop[i] < 52){
line(15 * i + 5, quartPlacesTop[i], 15 * i + 5,
quartPlacesTop[i] - 15);
// bottom half
} else {
line(15 * i - 5, quartPlacesTop[i], 15 * i - 5,
quartPlacesTop[i] + 15);
} else {
ellipse(15 * (i - 30), quartPlacesBottom[(i - 30)], 10, 8);
// stem
// top half
if(quartPlacesBottom[(i - 30)] < 147){
line(15 * (i - 30) + 5, quartPlacesBottom[(i - 30)],
15 * (i - 30) + 5, quartPlacesBottom[(i - 30)] - 15);
// bottom half
} else {
line(15 * (i - 30) - 5, quartPlacesBottom[(i - 30)],
15 * (i - 30) - 5, quartPlacesBottom[(i - 30)] + 15);
// drawing minutes
for(i = 1; i <= m; i++){
// draws a half note depending on minute
if(i <= 30){
// head
ellipse(15 * i, halfPlacesTop[i], 10, 8);
// stem
if(halfPlacesTop[i] < 237){
line(15 * i + 5, halfPlacesTop[i], 15 * i + 5,
halfPlacesTop[i] - 15);
} else {
line(15 * i + 5, halfPlacesTop[i], 15 * i + 5,
halfPlacesTop[i] + 15);
} else {
// head
ellipse(15 * (i - 30), halfPlacesBottom[(i - 30)], 10, 8);
// stem
// top half
if(halfPlacesBottom[(i - 30)] < 348){
line(15 * (i - 30) + 5, halfPlacesBottom[(i - 30)],
15 * (i - 30) + 5, halfPlacesBottom[(i - 30)] - 15);
// bottom half
} else {
line(15 * (i - 30) - 5, halfPlacesBottom[(i - 30)],
15 * (i - 30) - 5, halfPlacesBottom[(i - 30)] + 15);
// drawing hours
for(i = 1; i <= h; i++){
// draws a whole note
ellipse(36 * i, wholePlaces[i], 10, 8);
// drawing staves
// seconds
// connecting
line(10, 20, 10, 179);
line(5, 15, 5, 184);
line(5, 15, 15, 12);
line(5, 184, 15, 188);
// resetting strokeweight
// minutes
// connecting
line(10, 205, 10, 364);
line(5, 200, 5, 369);
line(5, 200, 15, 197);
line(5, 369, 15, 372);
// resetting strokeweight
// hours
// function to draw a staff
function drawStaff(startY){
// draw a consistent staff
for(i = 0; i < 80; i += 16){
let lineY = startY + i
line(10, lineY, width, lineY);
In the creation of this clock, I wanted to see whether some interesting musical elements could be added, leading me to represent various elements of time by different rhythms, with notes placed randomly every increment of time. In this way, a new “piece” of music can be generated every second, with very low likelihood of being reproduced by any replication of this program due to the amount of randomness involved. Though unorthodox, this method of keeping time is certainly interesting. Particularly difficult was managing the spacing of the staves and the notes within a line, simply due to the fact that there can be as many as 30 notes on one line at a time in this representation.