A project that I thought was interesting when looking through different posts was Jai Sawkar’s Looking Outward post for week 7. The project was called Phantom Terrains and was by Stefanie Posavec. For this project she tries to make us aware of the invisible silent wireless data signals that surround us translating the characteristics of the wireless signal into sound. She also created a graphic to depict the wireless network landscape on a walk around the BBC Broadcasting House.
I agree with Jai that this creates a very compelling graphic and that it is interesting how she managed to take a phenomena that is constantly occurring around us without us sensing it and recreating it so we could experience it with multiple of our senses. Also, for our studio in architecture we had a mapping project in which we had to map parts of an island that can’t be seen, such as wind or the history of the island and it is interesting to see how they used different pitches, colors, and line thicknesses to denote different aspects of the wireless signals.