Kristine Kim-Project 09- Portrait


//Kristine Kim
//Section D
//Project 09: computational portrait

var newimage;

function preload(){
//loads image from
    var OGimage = "[/img]"
    newimage = loadImage(OGimage);

function setup(){
    background(181, 209, 255);

function draw(){
    var px = random(width);
    var py = random(height);
    var ix = constrain(floor(px), 0, width -1);
    var iy = constrain(floor(py), 0, height -1);
//retrieve colors at a certain location from the image
    var pixelcolorT = newimage.get(ix,iy);
//retrieve colors at mouseX and mouseY location from the image
    var pixelcolorE = newimage.get(mouseX, mouseY)

//draws ellipses controlled by mouseX and mouseY
//draws random diameters
    ellipse(pmouseX, mouseY, random(5,15), random(5,15));

//draws text "Miss" and "you" with colors retrieved from OGimage
//and random placements

    text("Miss", px,py);

    text("you", py, px);


For my project, I used an image of a picture I took of one of my students that I served in Mexico this summer. I played around with different background colors. To add diversity into my project, I added 3 different elements into my piece, two texts and ellipses that drew with random diameters between 5 to 15. A problem I ran into was that my OGimage was bigger than my canvas size so my code was drawing only white ellipses. I went into photoshop and rescaled my image to 480 x 320 pixels and that solved the problem. 

30 seconds
1 minute
Image when almost fully rendered ( 4 minutes)
Original picture of my student, Jorge.

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