Sammie Kim – Looking Outwards – 12

Generative Album cover design by Kostya Ostroukhov and Color Wander by Matt Deslauriers are two projects that deeply inspired me. Kostya Ostroukhov is a graphic designer from Russia; his Generative Album cover project utilizes JavaScript, and the graphics float around that match the mood and style of Imagine Dragons. The idea of a dynamic album cover immediately fascinated me, as it could express the unique aesthetics of the music for a brief moment unlike a music video. On the other hand, Matt Deslauriers is a generative artist and creative coder from Canada. Color Wander is an open source generative artwork that allows users to interact with the screen to produce fascinating textures and patterns come alive. 

I personally feel that both projects could have merged to produce a more adaptable and versatile artwork. Ostroukhov lacks the complexity and interactive element that is evident in Deslauriers’s generative art piece, whereas Deslauriers lacks the purposefulness and entertainment aspect. Yet, I admire each one as I am very intrigued in producing beautiful visual elements that connect with and respond to the user.

Color Wander by Matt Deslauriers
Generative Album cover design by Kostya Ostroukhov

Link to Matt Deslauriers’s website:

Link to Kostya Ostroukhov’s works:

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