Project 09: Portrait

//Anthony Pan
//Section C

//empty variable to hold/load portrait
var img;

//load portrait
function preload() {
   img = loadImage("");


//set up canvas
function setup() {
    createCanvas(420, 280);


//create pixelation effect using mouseX position
function draw() {

    //diplay image
    image(img, 0, 0, width, height);

    //constrain mouseX position to canvas and change diamter of circles according to mouseX position
    var mousePosition = map(constrain(mouseX, 0, 280), 0, width, 0, 20);
    //create circles
    for(var row = 0; row < 32; row++) {
        for(var col = 0; col <= 48; col++){
            var x = col * 10;
            var y = row * 10;
            //sample pixel color
            var sampleColor = img.get(x*15, y*15);
            //draw circle
            circle(x + 10, y + 10, mousePosition); 

I wanted to create a portrait that would get pixelated as you moved the mouse from left to right. It was cool to see it become stylized, almost like I was applying a filter to the image.

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