Link of the : https://vimeo.com/43213162
Author: i.m. klif
Title: Vector rescanning using MaxMSP
Year Created: 2012

The project is called Vector rescanning using MaxMSP. There is a machine where you can have motions inside which can be scanned: for example you can put your hands inside and have them moving. A camera would record your motion and send the signals to a synth, and thus will produce sounds according to the motion of the hands. I really admire how we can instantaneously convert motion into music, which is converting visual element to audio. This is amazing because it shows the possibility of how visual can link to audio even though they are usually considered as two totally different senses. I think the creator’s artistic sensibilities are shown through their improvisation on their gestures. Improvisation is an extremely important aspect of music. Performers tell us their interpretation of how the music flows and continues through their motions, so it is amazing that improvisation can be realized through this technology.

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