Project 06: Abstract Clock

For my abstract clock I chose to use a database of song lyrics that mention specific times of day. The clock breaks up the day into 886 equal units of time, the number of song lyrics in the data set, and displays each lyric one after another. The background color also changes with the time of day being referenced in the song. As a result the time measured by this clock is not the actual time of day, but rather the time of day represented within our popular musical cannon mapped to a real 24 hour day. Hours that are referenced more often last longer on this clock and those only mentioned a few times pass by quickly.


//Tim Nelson-Pyne
//Section C
//Project-06-Abstract Clock

function preload() {
  //loads a .txt file that contains a large sampling of song lyrics 
  //that refer to specific times of day
  timeLyrics = loadStrings('')

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {

  //gets the total amount of seconds that have ellapsed that day
  var s = second();
  var m = minute();
  var h = hour();
  m = m * 60
  h = h * 3600
  var totalS = m + h + s;

  var i = map(totalS, 0, 86400, 0, 886);
  i = round(i);
  //changes background color based on the time that the song lyrics are refering to
  if (i < 421 || i > 780) {
    //its nightime
  if (i >= 421 & i < 481) {
    //its 5am
    fill(10, 0, 50);
  if (i >= 481 & i < 538) {
    //its 6am
    fill(141, 163, 152);
  if (i >= 538 & i < 562) {
    //its 7 am
    fill(217, 133, 69);
  if (i >= 562 & i < 595) {
    //its 8 am
    fill(249, 192, 107);

  if (i >= 595 & i < 628) {
    //its 9 am
    fill(255, 230, 190);
  if (i >= 628 & i < 631){
    //its 10 am
    fill(255, 255, 200);

  if (i >= 631 & i < 722) {
    //its day
  if (i >= 722 & i < 747) {
    //its 5pm
    fill(255, 230, 190);
  if (i >= 747 & i < 761) {
    //its 6pm
    fill(238, 108, 32);

  if (i >= 761 & i <= 780) {
    //its 7pm
    fill(100, 15, 36);
  //redraws the background
  rect(0, 0, width, height);

  //changes the type color based on what the background color is
  if (i < 421 || i > 780) {
  else {

  //displays a song lyric
  //each lyric gets the same amount of time on screen
  //the lyrics repeat each day
  text(timeLyrics[i], 0, 10, width, height);

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