Looking Outwards 09

A particular work that I find interesting is “US Oil Fix” by Brooke Singer. Made in 2006, Singer was asked to contribute to the book “The Atlas of Radical Cartography” which was a collection of “10 maps and 10 essays about social issues from globalization to garbage”. Her contribution “is a look at the work through the lens of US oil consumption. The mission for this generative art piece is what I admire so much about it. It touches on the idea that art can create change within our world. Using art also enables a larger audience to understand and take action against a complicated idea like Oil Consumption. Brooke Singer’s artistic sensibilities manifest in this piece as they are trying to persuade a larger audience on an issue. With this mission, it forces the artists to portray their art a very specific way making them use their artistic sensibilities. In conclusion, I really enjoy looking at this piece and the message that it has to offer. The creator Brooke Singer is an Associate Professor of New Media at Purchase College at State University of New York. She works with technoscience as an artist, educator, nonspecialist and collaborator.



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