Women and Non-binary people in art

Chloe Varelidi makes what she calls “unusual games” and other products. Her career began when she got a Master in Fine Arts at Parsons’ Design and Technology Program. She worked with littleBits for many years, and their team won Creative Toy of the Year 2018. Varelidi designs interesting pieces often used for educational purposes or as toys for children. She worked with Mozilla for a while, and was also a game design director. In these various roles she has created numerous projects while collaborating with different teams. She recently founded humans who play, a design company which uses play as a force for doing good. I like her quirky and creative style and how she uses it to connect with her audience. She clearly enjoys her work and feels like it is making a difference. I also love how she can work with many groups to make cool projects.


Animal Badges A sample of some badges I illustrated for a social emotional learning product for youth at Mozilla. Each animal corresponds to a skill such as empathy, curiosity, perseverance and compassion.
One of Varelidi’s pieces: animal badges for a learning project

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