Generative Landscape

var cld = [];
var shl = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 320);

function draw() {
    //static background
    fill(57, 16, 115);
    rect(0, 0, 480, 40);
    fill(129, 21, 150);
    rect(0, 40, 480, 40);
    fill(189, 28, 119);
    rect(0, 80, 480, 40);
    fill(224, 47, 31);
    rect(0, 120, 480, 40);
    fill(230, 107, 50);
    rect(0, 160, 480, 40);
    fill(255, 185, 64);
    circle(240, 200, 60);
    fill(179, 161, 91);
    rect(0, 200, 480, 120);

    //cloud code
    if(random() > 0.95) cld.push(makeCloud((random()*120), color(random()*30+220, 220, random()*30+220))); //chance to draw new cloud
    for(let i = 0; i < cld.length; i++) { //draws and updates clouds
    if(cld[0].x > 480) cld.shift(); //removes clouds that move too far

    //shell code
    if(random() > 0.85) shl.push(makeShell(random()*200+120, color(random()*255, random()*255, random()*255), random()*3)); //chacne to draw new drawShell
    for(let i = 0; i < shl.length; i++) { //draws and updates shells
    if(shl[0].x > 480) shl.shift(); //removes shells that move too far

function makeCloud(ty, tc) {
    var cloud = {x: 0, y: ty, c: tc};
    return cloud;

function drawCloud() {
    ellipse(this.x, this.y, 40, 20);

function moveCloud() {
    this.x += 10;

function makeShell(ty, tc, ts) {
    var shell = {x: 0, y: ty, c: tc, s: ts}
    return shell;

function drawShell() {
    if(this.s < 1) circle(this.x, this.y, 20);
    else if(this.s < 2) square(this.x, this.y, 20);
    else triangle(this.x, this.y, this.x+10, this.y+20, this.x+20, this.y);

function moveShell() {
    this.x += 10;

This isn’t running correctly right now and I can’t figure out why ?-?

I made a sunset landscape because I thought I could incorporate some really cool colors into the background. First I coded the hard landscape. Since the sun is so far away, it will look like it isn’t moving. Next I created very simple clouds. To create randomness and variety in my landscape the clouds have a randomized color and height. I created a method that updated their x position so that they’d look like they were “moving” across the screen. After that I made shells. I followed a similar procedure, but I also added shape as a random variable. Having different shaped/colored shells in different locations helps make the landscape more exciting. I wish the code was displayed properly so you could see the final product 🙁

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