Final Project Proposal – Simin Li

For the final project, I want to make an interactive animation. I have always loved gardening games because of the joy of harvesting and would like to make one myself. The player would be asked to plant one seed in the soil. Then with each attempt to water the plant the seed would grow leaves and eventually fruit of their own. The number and distribution of leaves and fruit would be generated randomly while following the rules of nature like having more leaves than fruit and not cramming too many leaves on one branch. The extent to which the plant grows will depend on how many times it is watered, but watering the plant too much would cause a sudden and unexpected death. The amount of times of watering that would kill the plant is random and different each time. So it is kind of like a betting game: you want to water the plant as much as possible, but it is up to the player to decide when it might be dangerous to keep watering. Keep your current plant or have a dead one. After you have decided to stop watering, it is harvesting season. The player clicks on a button called “Harvest!” and  can harvest the fruit by clicking on the fruit and the number of fruit harvested will be displayed on the screen.


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