Liu Xiangqi-Looking Outwards 10

The artist I choose is Caroline Sinders. Here is a link for her work.I admire her project “Night Witches”. It is a mobile game. I enjoyed her flattening and childish design style. The color scheme is simple (mainly consists of black, white and grey) but harmonious. I also like how she developed the game using analogy of films with preparation, development, climax and the resolution. To provide more lifelike interaction, she added plenty of story narratives.

Caroline Sinders is a machine learning designer/user researcher, artist, and digital anthropologist obsessed with language, culture and images. She works in BuzzFeed/Eyebeam Open Labs. She holds a master degree from NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program where she focused on HCI, storytelling, and social media theory, and a BFA in Photography and Imaging with a focus in digital media and culture from NYU.

Here is a video for “Night Witches”.