Shannon Case – Looking Outwards 02

The project I admire is called “The Johnny Cash Project”, a continuous work of generative art by Aaron Koblin. In the project, users can submit their own drawings of frames for the “Ain’t No Grave” music video by Johnny Cash. Users can draw any frame they want to, and submit it to the website. They are able to then choose between all the submitted frames and create a version of the video that they customize. The project is to pay tribute to Cash through connecting fans around the world. I really like this project because it connects people all over the world to work on a common collaborative project. I think that this is uniting for the world, and also a fitting tribute to Cash as he lives on through the work. I like that it is generated by humans, all working together to create a unique and customizable product.

Below are some images of frames from the video, as well as a link to a video about the project, and the actual project webpage.



Video about project:

Project Website:

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