

The Parametric bench is one of the elements the collection of “Parametric furnitures”. Oleg Soroko crafted the project in 2014 with 18mm plywood sections that were fasten with iron rods, wound on the mounting bolts. The high-quality wood material, the waterproof varnish, the curvatures and the fact that the entire piece was composed by sections, all together generated a dynamic form that emphasized the shape of the bench better than a whole piece of solid wood would do.
Since there is no specification on the algorithms used by the artist for this bench, I looked into his other projects and found that in a similar project that accentuates the curve patterns used “gradient descent”, “marching cubes” algorithms as well as scripting in Rhinoceros. I suppose that he took similar approach in this project. The precise cut of the sections can be generated in Rhino through relatively simple and fast commands.
It is a relatively easy and inexpensive way of prototyping, and I can see its application in greater fields other than furniture design, such as architectural model and industrial design.

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