Michal Luria – Looking Outwards – 03

Growing Objects / N-e-r-v-o-u-s System

The project I chose this week is an exhibition presented in 2014 called “Growing Objects”. The notion behind this work is to explore how structures are created in nature. The artists translated complex scientific theories and mathematical growing models into algorithms, and allowed 3D printers to generate objects according to these rules.


What I like about this work is that the artist, like in all generative art, does not know what will be the outcome on their art. But even more so, the artist experiences a creation of something that is structured in the same mysterious way as in nature. They can learn something new, and allow others to learn – how models evolve in nature, sometimes over hundreds or thousands of years, is now presented in an art gallery, by using fabrication.


Furthermore, this type of art using a set of rules creates beautiful sculptures that would be hard to create otherwise. The rules are already determined. The artist just needs to choose an inspiration (in this case, structures from nature), analyze their scientific rules, and then must let go and allow the art to create itself.


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