Liu Xiangqi-Looking Outwards 06

The project that interests me a lot is “4900 Colors” series by Gerhard Richter. The version II consists of 49 plates of 10×10 grids. A computer assigned random colors to each grid. And together they make up a huge color pattern. I find it interesting for it reveals some “pattern”s inside randomness and the weakness of human eye to distinguish colors. For example, each plate contains approximately 4 grids of black and at least one grid of white. If the colors the computer assigned are based on true color system, the chances that there are 4 black grids out of 100 is subtle( that would be 1/256^12). One way to explain this may be our eyes can hardly distinguish a “true” black from dark blue, dark red, etc.

Gerhard Richter’s 4900 Colors, 2007
4900 Color Version II, 2007

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