Abstract Clock


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//Arula Ratnakar
//Section C
//Abstract Clock

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {
	background ('lightpink')
	var H = hour ()
	var M = minute()
	var S = second ()

	fill (96, 139, 209)
	triangle (M, 10, H, height/2,S*5, width/2)
	fill (90, 168, 89)
	triangle (width/2, S*5, height/2, H, 10, M) 
	translate (50,50)
	fill (90, 168, 89)
	triangle (M, 10, H, height/2,S*5, width/2)
	fill (96, 139, 209)
	triangle (width/2, S*5, height/2, H, 10, M) 
	push ()
	translate (50, 50)
	fill (96, 139, 209)
	triangle (M, 10, H, height/2,S*5, width/2)
	fill (90, 168, 89)
	triangle (width/2, S*5, height/2, H, 10, M) 
	push ()
	translate (50, 50)
	fill (90, 168, 89)
	triangle (M, 10, H, height/2,S*5, width/2)
	fill (96, 139, 209)
	triangle (width/2, S*5, height/2, H, 10, M)
	push ()
	translate (50, 50)
	fill (96, 139, 209)
	triangle (M, 10, H, height/2,S*5, width/2)
	fill (90, 168, 89)
	triangle (width/2, S*5, height/2, H, 10, M)
	push ()
	translate (50, 50)
	fill (90, 168, 89)
	triangle (M, 10, H, height/2,S*5, width/2)
	fill (96, 139, 209)
	triangle (width/2, S*5, height/2, H, 10, M)
	pop ()



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