//Mercedes Reys
//Section C
var m;
var s;
var h;
var dSM = 360/60;//to devide minutes and seconds into 60 points on circle
function setup() {
background(255);//draw second backgrond for shodow/ghost effect
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
background(190, 136, 252,50)// draw tranparent backgrond for shodow/ghost effect
//time varibales
m = minute();
s = second();
h = hour();
var cx = 0;//center x cordinate
var cy = 0;//center y cordinate
//seconds variables
var sRadius = width/3; // orbit of seconds circle
var sx = cos(dSM*s)*sRadius;//x cordinate of circle center
var sy = sin(dSM*s)*sRadius;//y cordinate of circle center
// minutes variables
var mRadius = sRadius+35//orbit
var mx = cos(dSM*m)*mRadius;//x
var my = sin(dSM*m)*mRadius;//y
rotate(90);//start at bottom
//seconds ellipse
var b = map(s, 0,60, 0, 255);
var g = map(s,0,60,0,255);
fill(0,g,b,50)//fade from black to cyan in tune with seconds passing by
//hours ellipse
var b = map(h, 0,24, 0, 255);
fill(255,255,b);//fade from yellow to white in tune with hours passing by
ellipse(cx,cy,h*10,h*10);//grow larger as hours go by
//minutes ellipse
var g = map(m, 0,60, 0, 255);//fade from magenta to white
ellipse((-mx)+cx,(-my)+cy,m,m);//negative cordinates to start at top rather than bottom
for this I just tied to incorporate the functions we were using to make the clock assignment to make shires that orbit and grow depending on the time. Here is the sketch.