James Katungyi – Project 06 – Abstract Clock

Abstract Clock


//James Katungyi
//Section A 0900

function setup(){
function draw(){
    HourBar();//hour bar function
    MinuteLine();//minute line function
    SecondBall();//second ball function
function HourBar(){
    var BarH = height/24;
    var H = hour(); //link to computer clock hour
    var M = minute();//link to computer clock minutes
    var HBarX = map(M,0,59,0,width);//link x position to minute
    var HBarY = map(H,0,23,0,height);//link Y position to hour
    if ((HBarY > height*6/24) & (HBarY < height*18/24)){//fill color bar with light color from 6am to 6pm 
    } else {
        fill(180);//otherwise make hour bar dark
    rect(0,HBarY,HBarX,BarH);//hour bar
    for (var y = 0; y < HBarY; y += 12.5){
        if ((y > height*6/24) & (y < height*18/24)){//fill bars with light shade from 6am to 6pm 
        } else {
function MinuteLine(){
    var M = minute();//computer clock minute
    var S = second(); //computer clock seconds
    var LineY = map(S,0,59,0,height);//link x position to seconds
    var LineX = map(M,0,59,0,width);//link x position to minutes
    line(LineX,0,LineX,LineY);//minute line
    for (var x = 0; x < LineX; x += 5){
        line(x, 0, x, height);
function SecondBall(){
    var diam = 20;
    var S = second();//computer clock seconds
    var M = minute();
    var BallX = map(S, 0, 59, 0, width); //link seconds to x position of the ball
    var BallY = map(M, 0, 59, 0, height); //link ball position of y to minutes
    if ((BallY > height*7/24) & (BallY < height*19/24)){//fill ball with dark shade from 6am to 6pm 
        } else {
    ellipse(BallX,BallY,diam,diam); //draw ball

As the hours and minutes build up, the canvas fills with boxes and lines. Each day is a fresh start on a clean slate. Each hour starts out less clattered than towards its close.

The seconds are marked by a ball which was supposed to bounce off the sides evoking the ‘tick-tock’ associated with clocks. However, the reverse direction did not work out. In a way, the single direction is better because each second is fresh, not recycled.

The hours relate to the minutes in that one can tell the hour and minute by just looking at the hour indicator. The same with the minutes and seconds. And ofcourse one can tell the night hours from the day hours – a feature that is perhaps only useful in casinos where one never sees the sky.

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