Burak Arikan and Network Mapping
Burak Arikan is an artist who finds his inspiration in two worlds, New York City and Istanbul. Arikan completed his master’s degree at the MIT Media Laboratory, where he explored networked systems that address “the transition from connectivity to collectivity” (eyeo speaker bio) in creative expression. Before his MIT experience, he received a M.A. degree in Visual Communication Design from Istanbul Bilgi University and a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Yildiz Technical University.

Post MIT, Arikan founded Graph Commons Platform, which is dedicated to provide “network intelligence.” In his own words, he describes Graph Commons as a “collaborative network mapping platform and knowledge base of relationships.” Arikan believes that the modern day networks, whether it is social media input or social or economic issues, are rich with information and yet we have no handy tool to tap into such a resource. This is the exact vacuum where Graph Commons fits in, as a machinery which generates maps that render the relationship visible. Like how Arikan intended it to be, Graph Commons is a powerful tool that enables not only face collaboration, but also easy subtraction and isolation of information within a network. For example, this cumulative project timeline-map he presented at Eyeo below. Based on the infrastructure of the dataset, the resulting interactive map could be in various appearances, which are both interesting and informative to look at. A networked piece of information powered by Graph Commons can also shed new light on a discussed issue, by revealing previously overlooked connections.
Network is an unique medium for expression and for action.
Burak Arikan, Eyeo Festival 2014
Watch Arikan’s speech at Eyeo 2014 here
Burak Arikan: Eyeo Speaker bio
Check out Graph Commons here