James Katungyi – Project 09 – Custom Pixel


//James Katungyi
//Section A 0900

var me;
//declare first point of hatchline 
var xLoc;
var yLoc;
//declare brushtip size
var brushtip;
//preload image
function preload(){
    me = loadImage("http://i.imgur.com/o3DFass.jpg");

function setup(){
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    background(135, 206, 250);//sky blue background
    //scale the image to fit canvas width; maintain aspect ratio
    me.loadPixels(); //load image pixels
function draw(){
    //image(me, 0, 0);
    var brushLength = random(10, 30);//hatch length
    //second point of hatch line
    var x2Loc = xLoc + brushLength;
    var y2Loc = yLoc + brushLength;
    //locate middle of hatch
    var midXLoc = (xLoc + x2Loc) / 2;
    var midYLoc = (yLoc + y2Loc) / 2;
    //pick image pixel at middle of hatch
    var pickCol = me.get(midXLoc, midYLoc);
    //use picked pixel color for hatch
    //draw hatch
    line(xLoc, yLoc, x2Loc, y2Loc);
    line(x2Loc, yLoc, xLoc, y2Loc);
    //touch up the painting with the mouse
    //when mouse is in the canvas, detail image aspects
    if ((mouseX > 0) & (mouseX < width) && 
        (mouseY > 0) && (mouseY < height)){
        xLoc = mouseX; 
        yLoc = mouseY;
        brushtip = 2; //smaller brushtip for fine finishing
    } else {//when mouse is outside canvas draw faster with larger strokes
        xLoc = random(width);
        yLoc = random(height);
        brushtip = 5; //larger brushtip to fill up canvas

The canvas quickly fills up with color and form except when the artist focuses the drawing pencil on one aspect or other.


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