Interactive animation: Starry Night by Petros Vrellis 2011
Animation:The Seed by Johnny Kelly
I found these two interesting animations on Vimeo. The first one, interactive Starry Night has the stars moving according to the brush strokes. Also, the flow and the music responds to finger touches on a screen. It is creative because the animation itself is telling a story which a drawing cannot. It is dynamic and fun. In addition, the interaction allows the user to “interrupt” and take control of the story, making a personalized “Starry Night”. The second project, The seed, is an animation that uses simple geometry and some stop motion art on paper. It tells a story of an apple seed travelling and growing. The second project is not interactive, but it has multiple scenes with the main object as a center focus. I am interested in both of them, and I am going to make an interactive animation using simple geometries and try to tell a story with several scenes.