Kyle Leve-Project-03-Dynamic-Drawing


// Kyle Leve
// Section A
// Project-03-Dynamic-Drawing

var dirSq = 1;
var dirCir = 1;
var sqX = 150, sqY = 220;
var cirX = 400; cirY = 220;
var speed = 2;
var angleSq = 0;
var angleCir = 0;
var sqWidth = 130;
var sqHeight = 150;
var cirWidth = 150;
var cirHeight = 190;
var dirSqW = 1, dirSqH = 1, dirCirW = 1, dirCirH = 1;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 480);

function draw() {
	if (mouseX <= 100) { //change the background at different mouse locations
	if (100 < mouseX & mouseX <= 200) {
	if (200 < mouseX & mouseX <= 300) {
	if (300 < mouseX & mouseX <= 400) {
	if (400 < mouseX & mouseX <= 500) {
	if (500 < mouseX & mouseX <= 600 || mouseX > 600) {

	fill(0); // black square around the blue square
	translate(sqX, sqY);
	rect(0, 0, sqWidth, sqHeight);

	fill('blue'); //blue square
	translate(sqX, sqY);
	rotate(radians(angleSq)); //make the squares spin
	rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
	angleSq = angleSq + 1;
	if (mouseY >= 300) { //change the spin direction of mouseY is greater than 300
		angleSq = angleSq - 2;

	if (mouseX >= 300) { //makes the square go up and down and bounce off walls
		sqY += dirSq * speed;
	if (sqY > height - 100 || sqY < 0) {
		dirSq = -dirSq;

	if (mouseX < 300) { //makes the square go left and right and bounce off walls
		sqX += dirSq * speed;
	if (sqX > width - 100 || sqX < 0) {
		dirSq = -dirSq;

	sqWidth += dirSqW * speed; //makes the black square's width grow and shrink
	if (sqWidth > 300) {
		dirSqW = -dirSqW;
		sqWidth = 300;
	} else if (sqWidth < 100) {
		dirSqW = -dirSqW;
		sqWidth = 100;

	sqHeight += dirSqH * speed; //makes the black square's height grow and shrink
	if (sqHeight > 300) {
		dirSqH = -dirSqH;
		sqHeight = 300;
	} else if (sqHeight < 100) {
		dirSqH = -dirSqH;
		sqHeight = 100;

	fill(0); //black circle
	translate(cirX, cirY);
	rotate(radians(-angleCir)); //makes the black circle spin in the opposite direction from the square 
	ellipse(0, 0, cirWidth, cirHeight);

	fill('red'); //red circle
	translate(cirX, cirY);
	rotate(radians(-angleCir)); //makes the red circle spin in the opposite direction from the blue square
	ellipse(0, 0, 120, 150);
	angleCir = angleCir + 1;
	if (mouseY >= 300) { //changes spin direction
		angleCir = angleCir - 2;

	if (mouseX >= 300) { //makes the circle go left and right when the square goes up and down
		cirX += dirCir * speed;
	if (cirX > width - 60 || cirX - 60 < 0) {
		dirCir = -dirCir;
	if (mouseX < 300) { //makes the cirle go up and down when the square goes left and right
		cirY += dirCir * speed;
	if (cirY > height - 75 || cirY - 75 < 0) {
		dirCir = -dirCir;

	cirWidth += dirCirW * speed; //makes the black circle's width grow and shrink
	if (cirWidth > 300) {
		dirCirW = -dirCirW;
		cirWidth = 300;
	} else if (cirWidth < 120) {
		dirCirW = -dirCirW;
		cirWidth = 120;
	cirHeight += dirCirH * speed; //makes the black circle's height grow and shrink
	if (cirHeight > 300) {
		dirCirH = -dirCirH;
		cirHeight = 300;
	} else if (cirHeight < 150) {
		dirCirH = -dirCirH;
		cirHeight = 150;


Doing the project I wanted to experiment with different movements rather than having a stationary picture. I decided to use a lot of the recent topics we learned such as rotation, motion, and variables to create two objects that behaved in contrary motion with each other. I found it very interesting to have to create one object and have the other object be based on how to first object was behaving.

Justin Yook- Looking Outwards 03

Fully assembled product

The project “Decorative Elements” by user mrule on Thingiverse is a 3D printed structure that functions as a lamp that diffuses light in the room. The inspiration for this design came from a “back-lit space organism” according to the description. In addition, it seems that the geometry was made in OpenSCAD, a software for creating solid 3D models that can be printed.

Lamp pieces made in CAD software

I found this project interesting because it showed me how versatile   and powerful computational fabrication can be; it allows one to extend their creativity, and express it in a tangible form. For example, when I usually think of lamps, my mind imagines the common lamp shade, but mrule’s creation pushes the limits of that idea to construct a shade out of smaller hexagonal ones. I also think it is nice that creators can share and download the CAD designs.

Decorative Elements:

Jenna Kim (Jeeyoon Kim)- Looking Outwards-2

Artist using 3D pen tool to duplicate the Nissan Car.[/caption]

The project that involves algorithms and made into 3D form through fabrication machinery is Nissan’s project to create World’s largest 3D pen sculpture. Nissan gathered many skilled artists to use 3Doodler 3D pen technology to create this sculpture, which took about 800 hours and required 13.8km of plastic strands. I admire this project because it demonstrates how advanced 3D printing is now, and as a design student taking a products design class, I am mesmerized the extent of different 3D tools to create new projects like this. The algorithm that was generated, the 3Doodler, allows the artist to freely produce 3D shapes, forms, and patterns. The artists’ artistic sensibilities definitely manifest in the final form because the artists delicately expressed every details in order to duplicate Nissan Qashqai exactly.


Kyle Leve – Looking Outwards- 03

“Robot, Doing Nothing” visual

A project that I came across that I find interesting is “Robot, Doing Nothing” by Emmanuel Gollob and Johannes Braumann. What I found intriguing about this project is that it was conducted all in the time in which Gollob and Braumann were doing nothing. I feel that this demonstrates that even when someone is doing nothing, their brain is still active and formulating new ideas and projects to work on. Nevertheless, looking at the project itself fascinated me. There was nothing particularly complicated or complex about what is going on, however I found myself being relaxed my what I was watching. The slow rotations of the machine as well as the different colored strings made what I was watching very soothing. I could see this technology being used in the future in calm settings in which someone goes to relax. I can see many therapeutic applications with this machinery that can be used to reduce anxiety and stress.


Shirley Chen – Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing


// Shirley Chen
// Section B
// Project-03

var X = 10;
var Y = 10;
var d;
var m;
var radius = 0;
var shade = 0;
var side = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);


function draw() {
    background(253, 224, 146);
//Make a Grid
    for (i = 0; i < 24; i++){
        for (j = 0; j < 32; j++){
            X = 20 * j + 10
            Y = 20 * i + 10;
//Divide the Coordinate into Four Quadrants
//The Radius of Circles in the First Quadrant Changes According to the Distance Between Mouse and Center of the Circle
//The Color of the Circle Changes According to the Distance Between Mouse and Center of the Circle
        if (mouseX > 0 & mouseX < 320 && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < 240){
                d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, X, Y)
                m = map(d, 0, 786, 0, 20);
                shade = m * 0.5 + 200;
                radius = 20 - m;
                fill(shade, 137, shade);
                ellipse(X, Y, radius, radius);
//The Length of Side of the Square in the Second Quadrant Changes According to the Distance Between Mouse and Center of the Sqaures
//The Color of the Sqaures Changes According to the Distance Between Mouse and Center of the Squares
            else if  (mouseX > 320 & mouseX < 640 && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < 240){
                d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, X, Y)
                m = map(d, 0, 786, 0, 20);
                side = m + 10;
                shade = m + 200;
                fill(223, shade, 138);
                rect(X, Y, side, side);
//The Length of Side of the Rectangles in the Second Quadrant Changes According to the Distance Between Mouse and Center of the Rectangles
//The Color of the Rectangles Changes According to the Distance Between Mouse and Center of the Rectangles
            else if  (mouseX > 0 & mouseX < 320 && mouseY > 240 && mouseY < 480){
                d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, X, Y)
                m = map(d, 0, 786, 0, 20);
                side = m * 0.3 + 18;
                shade = m * 7 + 50;
                fill(231, 100, shade);
                rect(X, Y, side + 3, side);
//The Size of the Geometry Changes According to the Distance Between Mouse and Center of the Geometry
//The Color of the Geometry Changes According to the Distance Between Mouse and Center of the Geometry
            else if  (mouseX > 320 & mouseX < 640 && mouseY > 240 && mouseY < 480){
                d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, X, Y);
                m = map(d, 0, 786, 0, 20);
                side = m * 0.8 + 2;
                shade = m * 3 + 8;
                fill(167, 88, shade);
                rect(X, Y, side, side, 1, 8);
//When the Mouse is not On Canvas, Text Will Show Up
            else {
                fill(89, 134, 189);
                text('PLACE THE MOUSE HERE!', 235, 240);

In this assignment, I was inspired by the parametric design that I researched for the Looking Outward Assignment. Controlling by the position of the mouse, some variables like radius, color, size, shape will change accordingly. It creates interesting visual effect that when the mouse gets closer to a geometry, the geometry gets smaller. I practiced the looping command that I learned from other class.

Looking Outwards 3 Arden Wolf

Michael Schmidt’s and Francis Bitoni’s 3D printed gown was a project that excited me the most. What interests me about the piece is that they were inspired by organic forms but used algorithms. The artists explored the intersection between “ephemeral notions of beauty and strict mathematics”. The artists focused on the golden ratio theorem that was developed in the 13th century by the mathematician Fibonacci.They made the dress especially for Dita Von Teese and had to use algorithms to create a structure that was wearable for her bod and fluid. To create the flowing form of the dress, the artists assembled from 17 pieces, dyed black and covered with over 13,00 Swarovski crystals.

Christine Chen-Project-03-Dynamic Drawing

Christine Chen-Project-03-Dynamic Drawing

Christine Chen
Section E
Project-03-Dynamic Drawing

var angle = 0; //angle for square rotation

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    scale(0.95); //scaling it down so graphics won't be cut by WordPress
    //left side is for sadness
    //right side is for happiness

    if (mouseX < 320){
        background(129, 164, 235);

    if (mouseX > 320){
        background(257, 141, 47);

    rect(100, 240, 440, 5); //long horizontal line for scale
    rect(320, 233, 5, 20); //line for midpoint

    var x = mouseX
    if (x < 320){ //square turns red when on left
        fill(255, 0, 0);
    } else {
        fill(0, 255, 36);//square turns green when on right

    if (x <= 100){ //restricts movement of x to be on the line of scale
        x = 100;
    } else if (x >= 540) { 
        x = 540;

    translate(x, 240); //square would move horizontally according to x
    rect(0, 0, 15, 15);

    var squareSpeed = 0; 
    if (x < 320){ //square speeds up towards left
        squareSpeed = (320 - x + 320)/90;
    } else if (x > 320) { //square speeds up towards right
        squareSpeed = x/90;

    angle = angle + squareSpeed;

    //----------EMOJI CODES----------
    var blue = color(180, 244, 255);
    var yellow = color(255, 228, 0);
    var size = 100;

    if (x < 320){ //emoji turns sad and increases size towards left
        var control = (320 - x + 320)/500; 
    } else { //emoji turns happy and increases size towards right
        var control = x/500; 

    ellipse(x, 170, size * control, size * control);

    ellipse(x + 10, 155, 5, 5); //right eye
    ellipse(x - 10, 155, 5, 5); //left eye

    if (x > 320){ //happy mouth
        fill(228, 103, 126); //pink
        arc(x, 165, 35, 35, 0, PI); //arc with top opening
    } else { //sad mouth
        fill(79, 111, 203); //blue
        arc(x, 185, -35, -35, PI, TWO_PI); //arc with bottom opening

    let negativeColor = color(208); //resting color is gray
    if (x < 320){ //negative sign turns red 
        negativeColor = color(255, 0, 0);
    rect(40, 240, 20, 5);

    let positiveColor = color(208); //resting color is gray
    if (x > 320){ //positive sign turns green
        positiveColor = color(0, 255, 36);
    rect(580, 240, 20, 5); //horizontal line
    rect(587.5, 233, 5, 20); //vertical line


I found this project quite challenging to start with as there are so many ways to address this project. In the end, I decided to create my own version of the emoji slider. I have always thought that the emoji slider on Instagram is not dramatic enough, so I took this project as a chance to create my own ideal version of the emoji slider with exaggerated features. Instead of having only one type of emotion, I used one end of the scale for sadness and the other one for happiness. I spent a lot of time figuring out how to make the face increase in size and the rotation square increase in speed on they approach the two ends of the scale. I finally figured out the equations after quite a while and it was definitely a fruitful gain for me! 🙂

Alice Fang–Project 03– Dynamic Drawing


Alice Fang
Section E

When mouseX is > width/2, 
	-magenta circle shrinks while cyan circle grows
	-blue circle rotates clockwise, yellow circle couterclockwise

When mouseX is < width/2,
	-magenta circle grows while cyan circle shrinks
	-blue circle rotates counterclockwise, yellow circle clockwise

When mouseX is within the red circle
	-green circle rotates clockwise
	-green circle becomes smaller
	-green circle rotates more quickly
	-things become dark! goodbye light

Sometimes there is a delay with the growth/shrink of magenta and cyan circles-
neither I nor Prof. Dannenberg know exactly why 🙁 */

//circle diameters
var yellowD = 100;
var cyanD = 80;
var redD = 240;
var greenD = 80;
var magentaD = 320;
var blueD = 160;

var scale1 = 5; //constant rate of growth for cyan/magenta circles
var scale2 = -5; //constant rate of shrinking for cyan/magenta circles

//rotataion speed
var angle1 = 0; //blue circle
var angle2 = 0; //yellow circle
var angle3 = 0; //green circle (mouseX inside red circle)
var angle4 = 0; //green circle (mouseX outside red circle)
var angle5 = 0; //cyan circle
var angle6 = 0; //magenta circle

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {

	if (dist(160, 280, mouseX, mouseY) < redD/2) {
		background(0); //switch background to black
	} else {

	var cyanS = constrain(cyanD, 40, 500); //limit growth of cyan
	var magentaS = constrain(magentaD, 40, 500); //limit growth of magenta
	if (mouseX > width / 2) {
		cyanD += scale1; //cyan increases in size
		magentaD += scale2; //magenta decreases in size
		angle1 += 5; //blue rotates clockwise
		angle2 -= 3; //yellow rotates counterclockwise
	if (mouseX < width /2) {
		cyanD += scale2; //cyan decrease in size
		magentaD += scale1; //magenta increase in size
		angle1 -= 3; //blue rotates counterclockwise, decreases speed 
		angle2 += 5; //yellow rotates clockwise, increases speed 

	//cyan circle
	translate(width/2, height/2); 
	angle5 -= 1; //rotation speed
	fill('rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5)'); 
	ellipse(200, 160, cyanS, cyanS);

	//magenta circle
	translate(width/2, height/2);
	angle6 += 1; //rotation speed, 
	fill('rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.5)'); 
	ellipse(80, 40, magentaS, magentaS);

	//red circle
	if (dist(160, 280, mouseX, mouseY) < redD/2) { //if mouse is inside red circle
		fill('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)'); //become black
		ellipse(160, 280, redD, redD);
	} else {
		fill('rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7)');
		ellipse(160, 280, redD, redD);

	//blue circle
	translate(360, 240);
	fill('rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)'); 
	ellipse(0, 0, blueD, blueD);

	//yellow circle
	translate(360, 240);
	fill('rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.7)');
	ellipse(80, 80, yellowD, yellowD);

	//green circle
	if (dist(160, 280, mouseX, mouseY) < redD/2) { //if mouse is inside red circle
	    translate(160, 280);
	    angle3 += 8; //rotation speed, clockwise
	    fill('rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.7)');
	    ellipse(180, 0, greenD/2, greenD/2);
	} else { 
		translate(160, 280);
		angle4 += -1; //rotation speed, counterclockwise
		fill('rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.7)'); 
	    ellipse(180, 0, greenD, greenD);

	if (dist(160, 280, mouseX, mouseY) < redD/2) { //if mouse is inside red circle
		text("goodbye!", mouseX, mouseY);
	} else {
		text("hello!", mouseX, mouseY);

For this project, I was inspired by the RGB overlay. Originally, I wanted to set a condition where if two circles overlapped, the intersection would fill white, as would happen if you overlay-ed real RGB values. In the end, I decided to create something that was bright and bubbly, playing with opacity and color.

RGB colors! My inspiration for this project.

Also, a quick note. I sort of mentioned this in the comments, but nothing is random. Everything is dependent on the position of mouseX relative to the canvas (width/2), or to the red circle. The growth of the cyan and magenta circles lag a little, but will respond.

Lingfan Jiang-Project-03-Dynamic-Drawing


var position = -30; // set a standard position for the rectangles
var ssize = 10; // set a standard size for the rectangles
var rectcolor; //call a variable for the color of rectangles

function setup(){


function draw(){
    var m = max(min(mouseX, 640),0); //create a new variable "m" that give mouseX a range between 0 to 640
    var angle = m * 360 / 640; //remap the domain from 0-640 to 0-360 for angle
    var rectcolor = m * 255 / 640; // remap the domain from 0-640 
    var p = position * (1 + m / 500); //make the positions bigger over time
    var rectsize = ssize * (1 + m / 1000); //make the sizes of the rectangles bigger 

    stroke(255, rectcolor, rectcolor); //set stroke color for all the squares
    translate(width/2, height/2); //translate the origin to the center of the canvas
    fill(255, rectcolor, rectcolor); //fill the special square 
    rect(p * 0.5,p,rectsize,rectsize); 

    //create other white squares to form a bigger square ring
    rect(-p * 0.5,p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(p,p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(p,-p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(p * 0.5,-p,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(-p * 0.5,-p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(-p,p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(-p,-p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);

    //use the scale and rotate syntax to offset a smaller ring and rotate in a different direction
    rotate(radians(-2 * angle));
    fill(255, rectcolor, rectcolor);
    rect(p * 0.5,p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(-p * 0.5,p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(p,p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(p,-p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(p * 0.5,-p,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(-p * 0.5,-p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(-p,p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(-p,-p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);

    //use the scale and rotate syntax to offset a bigger ring and rotate in different direction
    rotate(radians(-2 * angle));
    fill(255, rectcolor, rectcolor);
    rect(p * 0.5,p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(-p * 0.5,p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(p,p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(p,-p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(p * 0.5,-p,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(-p * 0.5,-p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(-p,p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(-p,-p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);

    //use the scale and rotate syntax to offset a bigger ring
    fill(255, rectcolor, rectcolor);
    rect(p * 0.5,p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(-p * 0.5,p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(p,p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(p,-p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(p * 0.5,-p,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(-p * 0.5,-p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(-p,p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(-p,-p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);

    //use the scale and rotate syntax to offset the biggest ring rotate in different direction
    rotate(radians(-2 * angle));
    fill(255, rectcolor, rectcolor);
    rect(p * 0.5,p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(-p * 0.5,p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(p,p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(p,-p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(p * 0.5,-p,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(-p * 0.5,-p,rectsize,rectsize);

    rect(-p,p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);
    rect(-p,-p * 0.5,rectsize,rectsize);


I got the composition idea from another elective I am taking called communication design. The assignment was to just use squares and to create different kinds of compositions. Since the composition has a strong motion in it, I thought it would be a good idea to do it in this project as well.

Catherine Coyle – Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing

catherine drawing

// Catherine Coyle
// Section C
// Project-03 Dynamic Drawing

var skyColor = 80;
var sunColor = 0;
var cloudPosition = 1;
var oldX = 0;
var currX = 1;
var dir = 'right';
var angle = 0;
var targetX = 0;
var targetY = 0;
var diffX = 1;
var diffY = 1;

function setup() {

function draw() {
	// sky darkens
	background(skyColor, skyColor * 2, skyColor * 4);
	// sun/moon
	fill(255, 212 + (sunColor / 5), sunColor);
	ellipse(width / 2, height, 250, 250);
	fill(255, 212 + (sunColor / 5), sunColor, 50);
	ellipse(width / 2, height, 300, 300);
	fill(255, 212 + (sunColor / 5), sunColor, 25);
	ellipse(width / 2, height, 400, 400);
	// rays will rotate based on mouseY value
	translate(width / 2, height);
	fill(255, 212 + (sunColor / 5), sunColor, 70);
	rect(145, 0, 25, 40);
	rect(-145, 0, 25, 40);
	rect(0, 145, 40, 25);
	rect(0, -145, 40, 25);
	// bird will change the way its facing based on the mouse
	currX = mouseX
	if (currX > oldX) {
		dir = 'right';
	} else if (currX < oldX) {
		dir = 'left';
	// drawing it based on direction
	if (dir == 'right') {
		// beak
		fill(252, 194, 118);
		triangle(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX - 20, mouseY + 10, mouseX - 20, mouseY - 10,)
		// bird body
		fill(232, 95, 117);
		ellipse(mouseX - 20, mouseY, 20, 20);
		triangle(mouseX - 30, mouseY, mouseX - 40, mouseY + 10, mouseX - 40, mouseY - 10)
		ellipse(mouseX - 20, mouseY, 10, 10);
	} else {
		// beak
		fill(252, 194, 118);
		triangle(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX + 20, mouseY + 10, mouseX + 20, mouseY - 10,)
		// bird body
		fill(232, 95, 117);
		ellipse(mouseX + 20, mouseY, 20, 20);
		triangle(mouseX + 30, mouseY, mouseX + 40, mouseY + 10, mouseX + 40, mouseY - 10)
		ellipse(mouseX + 20, mouseY, 10, 10);
	// flock of birds trails the main one
	// i got the basic format for this 'easing' from the class website
	diffX = mouseX - targetX;
    diffY = mouseY - targetY;
    targetX = targetX + 0.1 * diffX;
    targetY = targetY + 0.1 * diffY;
    fill(155, 29, 44);
    if (dir == 'right') {
    ellipse(targetX - 75, targetY - 30, 15, 15);
    ellipse(targetX - 75, targetY + 30, 15, 15);
    ellipse(targetX - 150, targetY - 60, 15, 15);
    ellipse(targetX - 150, targetY + 60, 15, 15);
	} else {
		ellipse(targetX + 75, targetY - 30, 15, 15);
    	ellipse(targetX + 75, targetY + 30, 15, 15);
   		ellipse(targetX + 150, targetY - 60, 15, 15);
    	ellipse(targetX + 150, targetY + 60, 15, 15);
	// clouds move opposite to the bird
	fill(227, 235, 239);
	cloudPosition = width - mouseX
	rect(cloudPosition + 50, 350, 100, 40);
	rect(cloudPosition + 30, 370, 100, 40);
	rect(cloudPosition - 150, 200, 100, 40);
	rect(cloudPosition - 180, 180, 100, 40);
	rect(cloudPosition - 350, 275, 120, 30);
	rect(cloudPosition - 380, 290, 80, 20);
	// sky darkens as bird moves
	skyColor = 80 - (mouseX / 10);
	sunColor = mouseX / 2.5;
	// adjusting various variables for the next frame (movement)
	oldX = currX
	angle = mouseY / 50;

I was not really sure what to do when starting this project. I started doodling a little bit and just came up with the idea of a migrating flock of birds. I wanted it to be cute and simple, but also incorporate some of the things we learned this week. I’m still not the biggest fan of rotation, but I think this project helped me get the hang of it a little better.


Here is my doodle from when I came up with the idea: