Project 7 rrandell


/* Rani Randell
Section A
Project 7 */

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
    background(255, 250, 180) //pastel pallette

    x = constrain(mouseX, 0, width);
    y = constrain(mouseY, 0, height);

    translate(width, height);

function drawHypotrochoid() {

    for (var i = 0; i < TWO_PI; i ++) { 
       var a = map(y, 0, mouseX, 0, height); 
       var b = map(x, 0, mouseY, 0, width); 

        x = (a - b) * cos(i) + 200 * cos(((a-b)/b) * i); //equations
        y = (a - b) * sin(i) - 200 * sin(((a-b)/b) * i); // cited at bottom

        stroke(180, 150, 255); 
        ellipse(-200, -200, x, y); //lavendar ellipse
        stroke(0, 0, 255);
        rect(-200, -200, x, y); //blue rectangles
        stroke(255, 250, 0) //clear yellow
        ellipse(-100, -100, x / .5, y / .5)
        stroke(255, 100, 240); //hot pink concentric circles
        ellipse(-300, -300, x * .5, x * .5)

    //link to eq:

I really wanted this project to feel like an explosion of lines and color, so i mainly experimented with the various ellipses and rectangles after implementing the equations for a hypotrochoid. I included a process pic below:


Looking outwards 7 rrandell

This is a link to his website and here are some photos of his work below:

The piece that I have chosen for this data visualization looking outwards is called Flight Patterns by Aaron Koblin. I am particularly drawn to this piece because of how clearly you can see a map start to take place over the hundreds of thousands of flights in America. Not only is the data clear, but it is also strangely beautiful and ethereal– the individual flights serve as pieces of blue-ish light that light up the dark negative space. Aaron Koblin used FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) data and parsed and plotted it to represent the artwork that is shown on his website. He also used the ‘processing’ programming environment which is a coding language designed specifically for visual arts.

Project 6 rrandell


/* Rani Randell
Section A
Project 6 */

function setup() {
    createCanvas(310, 300);
    background(255, 0, 0); //keep background here so the dragging effect happens

function draw() {
	var h = hour();
	var m = minute();
	var s = second();

	fill(255, 0, 0);
	ellipse(h * 5, 75, 30, 30); //hour
	ellipse(m * 5, 150, 30, 30); //minute
	ellipse(s * 5, 225, 30, 30); //second


This sculpture by famous minimalist artist Donald Judd, is the inspiration for my clock. Although it is very simple, sometimes the best and most complex art is often extremely simple because it is so thought provoking.

Looking Outwards 6

This is a link to the artists page, and below is a piece that he randomly formulated.

This project was executed by a student at Harvey Mudd College named Christopher Stone. He generated a program that makes randomly generated arithmetic expressions that are translated into intricate pieces. The artist uses the traversal of an abstract syntax tree as an algorithm to generate the intricate works, as well as functions like reverse and append in various programming languages to get the desired looks, but all of the arithmetic inside the functions are totally randomized. By using sin and cos functions along with pi, the results are beautifully colorful abstract works. The resulting images are representative of ‘glitch’ artwork and are simple and complex at the same time.

Project 5 rrandell


/* Rani Randell
Section A
Project 5 */

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
    background(205, 100, 230);

for (var y = 0; y < 450; y += 50) {
        for (var x = 0; x < 450; x += 50)
            //fill(100, 230, 240); for some reason I cant get this to change
            ellipse(x, y, 50, 50);
    for (var i = 10; i < 600; i += 15) {
        line(i, 400, i, 0);

For this project I wanted to think about classic lines and simple shapes, I really like when colors contrast on wallpaper so I tried to stay true to a contrasting and also retro vibe.

Looking Outwards 5 -rrandell

This is a link to some of the other works that this artist, Viki Yeo, has made previously.

I am really amazed at this piece, due to the sheer detail that the artist was able to depict. This piece interests me because looks so real and so close to a real life portrait but was actually rendered using 3D computer graphics. The artist’s name is Viki Yeo and she used the software Adobe Photoshop, Zbrush, and 3ds max. The artist is a freelance 3D character artist and it is incredibly interesting to see how the artists choices manifest in this final form. On her website, it says that she is also a 3D texture artist. I found this interesting because texture is such a specific part of the artistic process that it seemed so limiting to have that be her only job but after seeing Viki Yeo’s work, the texture is so integral to her work that it now makes sense.

Project 4 rrandell


/* Rani Randell
Project 4 
Section A */

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);
    background(210, 40, 230);

function draw() {

	for(var i = -40; i < 600; i += 20){
		stroke(200, 50, 180);
		line(i, 150, 150, i);

	for(var x = 0; x < 300; x += 15){
		stroke(180, 20, 170);
		line(x, 200, 100, x);
	for(var y = 0; y < 400; y += 10){
		stroke(170, 70, 190);
		line(y, 0, 300, y);
	for(var r = 60; r < 200; r += 5){
		stroke(210, 30, 150);
		line(r + 6, 0, 400, r);
	for(var q = 80; q < 300; q += 7){
		stroke(255, 0, 100);
		line(q, 300, 5, q)
	for(var e = 30; e < 600; e += 10){
		stroke(250, 30, 200);
		line(200, e, e, 100)


For my project I wanted to see how shades of pink interacted with each other and how the curves can frame parts of the canvas.

Looking Outwards 04

This is a video and a link to the piece.

This project really interested me based on the interaction that the viewer can have and how much agency is actually given to the viewer. In my opinion the art that interests me most is usually the kind that I can interact with. This audio reactive installation was made by 3 artists in the artist collective, The Creators. The algorithms that generated the work probably had to do with the distance that the person was from the installation, similarly to mouseX, they might’ve had a camera that could base the sound and video movement off of a person’s proximity to said camera.  The artists’ concept is implemented into their execution, the viewers participation or lack thereof shows the concepts of causality, responsibility, and choice. In this piece, the viewer becomes the creator, the sound and visuals react to the choices of the viewer.

Project 3 rrandell


/* Rani Randell
Section A
Project 03 */

var backcolor;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {

	var R = mouseX;
    var G = mouseY;
    var B = mouseX;
    backcolor = color(R, G, B);
	background(backcolor); //make the background change randomly with the mouse movement
	fill(161, 0, 0);
	rect(mouseX, 0, 10, 400);
	fill(161, 161, 0);
	rect(mouseX + 40, 0, 10, 400);
	fill(7, 136, 70);
	rect(mouseX + 80, 0, 10, 400);
	fill(162, 82, 3);
	rect(mouseX + 120, 0, 10, 400);
	fill(0, 33, 203);
	rect(mouseX - 40, 0, 10, 400);
	fill(153, 0, 77);
	rect(0, mouseY, 400, 10);
	fill(101, 130, 0);
	rect(0, mouseY + 40, 400, 10);
	fill(65, 102, 0);
	rect(0, mouseY + 80, 400, 10);
	fill(68, 10, 127);
	rect(0, mouseY + 160, 400, 10);


For this project I really wanted to experiment with color when the mouse is moved around. I made a small optical illusion with both line and color. I was really inspired by Mondrian’s clean lines and geometry for this project.

Looking Outwards 3

The ‘Kinematics’ dress made by nervous system.

I chose to explore the fashion side of the computer generated physical forms. I really admire the movement that the creators were able to achieve with the dress. I inserted a photo of the dress above, but the clickable link includes a GIF of a person walking in the dress, and it really sways like a fabric that has shape but also has fluidity, which is incredible considering the fabric is nylon. It is also amazing to see that the creators have made a garment that is able to be fully customizable and can fit any body type. It is clear that the creators have strong artistic direction in addition to being extremely competent with the computer generation aspect of their art as well. There isn’t much information on the algorithms they use but the creators make their designs very accessible to the public and able for anyone to customize.