Emily Zhou –– Variable Face


// face
var faceWidth = 225;
var faceHeight = 225;

var skin1 = 255;
var skin2 = 220;
var skin3 = 175;
// eyes
var eyeSize = 50;

var color1 = 0;
var color2 = 0;
var color3 = 0;

var pupilSize = 30;
var noseW = 30;
var noseH = 20;
// mouth (2)
// ver. semi-circle
var mouthW = 70;
var mouthH = 40;
// ver. circle
var mouth2d = 50;
// choice
var mouthChoice = 0;
// hat
var hat1 = 170;
var hat2 = 90;
var hat3 = 255;

var hatX1 = 275;
var hatY3 = 55;
function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
    // skin
    fill(skin1, skin2, skin3)
    // face
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth,  faceHeight);
    // eyeballs
    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25;
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    // pupils
    fill(color1, color2, color3);
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, pupilSize, pupilSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, pupilSize, pupilSize);
    // mouth (2)
    var mouthX = width / 2;
    var mouthY = height / 2 + faceHeight * 0.25;
    // ver. semi-circle
    if (mouthChoice == 0) {
        fill(250, 140, 140);
        arc(mouthX, mouthY, mouthW, mouthH, TWO_PI, PI, CHORD);
    // ver. circle
    else if (mouthChoice == 1) {
        fill(250, 140, 140);
        ellipse(mouthX, mouthY, mouth2d, mouth2d);
    var noseY = mouthY - mouthH / 2 - 20;
    fill(color1, color2, color3);
    ellipse(width / 2, noseY, noseW, noseH);
    // hat
    var hatX2 = width - hatX1;
    var hatX3 = (hatX1 + hatX2) / 2;
    var hatY = height / 2 - faceHeight / 2 + 15;
    fill(hat1, hat2, hat3);
    triangle(hatX1, hatY, hatX2, hatY, hatX3, hatY3);
function mousePressed() {
    // face
    faceWidth = random(150, 250);
    faceHeight = random(150, 250);
    skin1 = random(0, 255);
    skin2 = random(0, 255);
    skin3 = random(0, 255);
    // eyes
    eyeSize = random(25, 55);
    pupilSize = random(15, eyeSize - 10);
    color1 = random(0, 255);
    color2 = random(0, 255);
    color3 = random(0, 255);
    // nose
    noseW = random(30, 70);
    noseH = random(30, 70);
    // mouth (2)
    // ver. semi-circle
    mouthW = random(10, faceWidth - 80);
    mouthH = random(10, faceHeight * 1/4);
    // ver. circle
    mouth2d = random(30, faceHeight * 1/3);
    // choice
    mouthChoice = Math.floor(random(0, 1) * 2);
    // hat
    hat1 = random(0, 255);
    hat2 = random(0, 255);
    hat3 = random(0, 255);
    hatX1 = random(275, 300);
    hatY3 = random(45, 75);

It took me a while to figure out, but I found the way to randomize a range of colours using the 3 RGB values. I used this tactic in the skin, eyes, and hat to generate a ton of faces that all look very distinct. I added the party hat at the end because the face seemed too naked.

Eliza Pratt – Project 02


Eliza Pratt
Section E

var eyeSize = 30;
var eyeWidth = 1;
var blu = 100;
var faceWidth = 250;
var faceHeight = 300;
var skin = 30;
var glasses = 20;
var cut = 120;
var brow = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(200, 222, 230);

    fill(224, 72, 72);
    rect(width / 2 - faceWidth/2 - 20, height / 2 - 45, faceWidth + 40, cut, 0, 0, 10, 10);
    fill('rgba(0,0,0, 0.25)');
    rect(width / 2 - faceWidth/2, height / 2 - 45, faceWidth, cut);

    fill(242-skin, 194-skin, 131-skin);

    ellipse(width/2 - faceWidth/2, height/2 + 10,  55, 65);
    ellipse(width/2 + faceWidth/2, height/2 + 10,  55, 65);
    fill('rgba(0,0,0, 0.25)');
    ellipse(width/2 - faceWidth/2, height/2 + 12,  35, 45);
    ellipse(width/2 + faceWidth/2, height/2 + 12,  35, 45);

    fill(242-skin, 194-skin, 131-skin);
    rect(width/2 - 25, height/2 + faceHeight/3, faceWidth/5, faceHeight + 50);
    curveVertex(width/2 - faceWidth/3, 600);
    curveVertex(width/2 - faceWidth/3, 480);
    curveVertex(width/2, height*0.8);
    curveVertex(width/2 + faceWidth/3, 480);
    curveVertex(width/2 + faceWidth/3, 600);

    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth,  faceHeight);

    stroke('rgba(0,0,0, 0.25)');
    var noseLine = height/2 + 40;
    curveVertex(width/2 - 20, noseLine);
    curveVertex(width/2 - 20, noseLine);
    curveVertex(width/2, noseLine + 10);
    curveVertex(width/2 + 20, noseLine);
    curveVertex(width/2 + 20, noseLine);

    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25;

    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize*eyeWidth, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize*eyeWidth, eyeSize);

    fill(26, blu, 138);
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize/2, eyeSize/2);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize/2, eyeSize/2);
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize/5, eyeSize/5);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize/5, eyeSize/5);
    ellipse(eyeLX + 3, 1 + height / 2, eyeSize/5, eyeSize/5);
    ellipse(eyeRX + 3, 1 + height / 2, eyeSize/5, eyeSize/5);
    fill(242-skin, 194-skin*1.5, 131-skin);
    arc(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize*eyeWidth, eyeSize, PI, 0, CHORD);
    arc(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize*eyeWidth, eyeSize, PI, 0, CHORD);

    stroke(224, 72, 72);
    strokeWeight(brow + 3);

    if (brow < 1) {
        arc(eyeLX, height/2 - 30, eyeSize + 30, 15, PI, 0);
        arc(eyeRX, height/2 - 30, eyeSize + 30, 15, PI, 0);
    else if (brow < 2) {
        arc(eyeLX, height/2 - 30, eyeSize + 30, 15, 0, PI);
        arc(eyeRX, height/2 - 30, eyeSize + 30, 15, PI, 0);
    else if (brow < 3) {
        arc(eyeLX, height/2 - 30, eyeSize + 30, 15, PI, 0);
        arc(eyeRX, height/2 - 30, eyeSize + 30, 15, 0, PI);
    else {
        arc(eyeLX, height/2 - 30, eyeSize + 30, 15, 0, PI);
        arc(eyeRX, height/2 - 30, eyeSize + 30, 15, 0, PI);


    rect(width/2 - 120 , height/2 - 25, 100, 60, glasses);
    rect(width/2 + 20, height/2 - 25, 100, 60, glasses);
    line(width/2 - 20, height/2 - 10, width/2 + 20, height/2 - 10);

    var lipLine = height/2 + faceHeight/4;
    //upper lip
    arc(width/2 - 10, lipLine, 30, 25, PI, 0);
    arc(width/2 + 10, lipLine, 30, 25, PI, 0);
    //bottom lip
    fill(155, 0, 55);
    arc(width/2, lipLine, 50, 40, 0, PI);

    fill(224, 72, 72);
    var hair = height/3;
    arc(width / 2, height / 2 - 45, faceWidth + 40,  faceHeight, PI, 0);

    fill(40, 16, blu);
    rect(width/2 - faceWidth/3, height*0.85, 2*faceWidth/3, 100, 20);
    fill(242-skin, 194-skin, 131-skin);
    arc(width/2, height*0.85, 80, 30, 0, PI);


function mousePressed() {
    eyeSize = random(30, 40);
    eyeWidth = random(1,2);
    blu = random(0,255);
    skin = random(1, 100);
    glasses = random(1, 50);
    cut = random(90, 260);
    brow = random(4);


With this project, I had a lot of fun messing with the sizes, colors, and shapes of different features. In fact, I had to restrain myself from making every object changeable for the sake of time. I also spent a solid chunk of my afternoon trying to get the eyes to move with the mouse before giving up out of frustration. Maybe next time?



var eyeSize=20;
var eyeSkin=20;
var faceWidth = 120;
var faceHeight = 150;
var noseSize=20;
var noseDiff=7;
var word=0;
var wordNum=0;

var bodySize=200;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);


function draw() {

  var x1=width/2-faceWidth/2-15;
  var x2=width/2+faceWidth/2+15;
  var y=height/2-noseDiff;



//face size
  var eyeL=width/2-faceWidth/4;
  var eyeR=width/2+faceWidth/4;
  var ibagL=width/2-faceWidth/4;
  var ibagR=width/2+faceWidth/4;





var word = int(wordNum);
if (word == 1) {
    text("ogres are like onions", width/2, height/4);

} else if (word == 2){
    text("ogres are onions",width/2, height/4);

} else if (word == 3){
    text("ogre onions", width/2, height/4);


function mousePressed(){


this was a fun project! I didn’t know what I was going to do when I first started but somehow I ended up with Shrek. I hope in the future I get to code more Shrek related projects.

Jenny Hu — Variable Expressions

Jenny’s Sketch

//Jenny Hu
//Section E
//Project 02

var faceX;
var faceY;
var FOX; //face outline X and Y
var FOY;
var bunFillX;
var bunFillY = 30;
var bunOutlineX;
var bunOutlineY = 40;
var tiedBuns = 15;
var eyeX; //variable to tag the eye to the eye tops
var EBY1 = 0; //left eyebrow Y1 and Y2
var EBY2 = 0; 
var blushY= 5;
var blushRadi = 15;
var mouthNumber = 1;
var wordNumber = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

    faceX = width/2;
    faceY = height/2;
    FOX = width/2 - 15; //face outline X and Y
    FOY = height/2;
    bunFillX = width/2;
    bunFillY = 30;
    bunOutlineX = width/2;
    eyeX = FOX-270;

function draw() {
    background(255, 245, 240);

    //head fill
    ellipse(faceX, faceY, 190, 190);

    //bun fill
    ellipse(bunFillX, bunFillY, 70, 70);
     //tiedBuns keep them close together
    var bunOutlineX = bunFillX + tiedBuns;
    var bunOutlineY = bunFillY + tiedBuns;

    ellipse(FOX-80, (FOY+30)+blushY, blushRadi, blushRadi);
    ellipse(FOX+80, (FOY+30)+blushY, blushRadi, blushRadi);

    //bun outline
    stroke(255, 153, 153);
    ellipse(bunOutlineX, bunOutlineY, 70, 70);

    var mouth = int(mouthNumber);
    if (mouth == 1) {
        //draw rectangle
        rect(FOX-20, FOY+40, 30, 10,100);

    } else if (mouth == 2){
        //draw circle
        ellipse(FOX, FOY+40 ,20,20);

    } else {
        //draw smile
        arc(FOX-20, FOY+30, 40, 40, 60,120);


    stroke(255, 153, 153);
    ellipse(FOX-eyeX, FOY-20, 23, 23);
    ellipse((FOX-eyeX)+90, FOY-20, 23, 23);

    //top of eyes
    arc(FOX-45, FOY-5, 70, 70, 230, 320); //x, y, w, h, start, stop
    arc(FOX+45, FOY-5, 70, 70, 230, 320);

    //Left eyebrow
    line(FOX-50, (FOY-70) + EBY1, FOX-20, (FOY-70) + EBY2);
    //Right eyebrow
    line(FOX+50, (FOY-70) + EBY1, FOX+20, (FOY-70) + EBY2);

    //head outline
    stroke(255, 153, 153);
    ellipse(FOX, FOY, 190, 190);

    var word = int(wordNumber);
    if (word == 1) {
        fill(255, 153, 153);
        text("hot buns.", 250, 390);

    } else if (word == 2){
        fill(255, 153, 153);
        text("salad.", 250, 390);

    } else if (word == 3){
        fill(255, 153, 153);
        text("coffee.", 250, 390);

    } else {
        fill(255, 153, 153);
        text("potatoes.", 250, 390);



function mousePressed() {

    faceX = random(275, 350);
    faceY = random(250, 200);
    FOX = random(275, 350);
    FOY = random (225, 250);
    bunFillX = random (245, 375);
    bunFillY = random (100,100);
    bunOutlineX = random (245, 375);
    bunOutlineY = random (100,100);
    tiedBuns = random (-20,20);
    eyeX = random(25,60);
    EBY1 = random(-10,15);
    EBY2 = random(-10,15);
    blushY = random(-30,20);
    blushRadi = random(20,80);
    mouth = random(1,3);
    mouthNumber = random(1,4);
    word = random(0,4);
    wordNumber = random(0,4);


Huzzah! Uploaded correctly this time. (Thank you Connie!)

I had a fun time making this. I think compared to last week, it was nice to work with more complicated variables and connected pieces. While I wanted to maintain elements, the trick was to maintain the right distances of elements near one another (like hair color and outline, or eyes to eyebrows), while their elements shifted around with every click.

I think the most challenging part was adding the words. Originally, I wanted to create an array, like in the Dan Shiffman array tutorial, but I couldn’t figure out the bug. So instead, I did the same thing as the mouths— using an if-else logic.

Dani Delgado – Looking Outwards 02

The head of the Phantom Terrains website

The project I choose to look into was one called “Phantom Terrains”. This 2014 project aimed to capture the wireless data that consistently streams from routers to our devices and then use an algorithm to transform it into almost music-like audio. Not only does this project allow us to more fully understand the plethora of data that is constantly streaming around us, but it also does so in a beautiful and elegant way by combing the audio and visual representations of these sound waves. I cannot begin to comprehend the amount of complex coding that was required to create such an algorithm, and I sincerely admire how the creators, Frank Swain and Daniel Jones, were able to apply it in such a beautiful way. Daniel Jones, specifically, has been working on combing art, sound, and technology to give us a better understanding of the world we live in.

How sound waves are visualized using Phantom Terrain

Phantom Terrains was developed using Nesta funds from the U.K. and can be interacted with by using bluetooth hearing aids (along with being sampled on their website). This implementation of the hearing aids sprouted from the idea of re-working this prosthetic technology into enhancement tech, allowing the user to be able to hear a wider range of sounds than the average human ear ever could.

This project is vastly intriguing and has piqued my wonder in terms of just how much invisible data is swirling around us at all times and just how much coding can do to help us to visually show that.

Link to the website: http://phantomterrains.com/

Carley Johnson Project 02 Section E


/*Carley Johnson
Section E
Assignment 02A

var skinColor = 250
var headH = 175
var headW = 150
var eyeColor = 226
var lipColor = 145
var lipCorner = 200
var hairLength = 220
var eyebrowH1 = 160
var eyebrowH2 = 155

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(182, 212, 115);

    fill(112, 62, 40)
    stroke(112, 62, 40)
    rect(200, 90, 220, hairLength, 100, 100, 0, 0 ) //back hair

   fill(255, skinColor, 180)
   ellipse(300, 200 , headW, headH) //Head

   fill(128, eyeColor, 252)
   ellipse (275, 175, 10, 10) //Left Eye

   fill(128, eyeColor, 252)
   ellipse (300, 175, 10, 10) //Right Eye

   fill(255, 124, lipColor)
   stroke(255, 124, 145)
   bezier(275, lipCorner, 280, 210, 285, 210, 300, lipCorner) //mouth

   fill(215, 106, 58)
   stroke(215, 106, 58)
   rect (270, 90, 125, 75, 0, 50, 0, 50) //bangs

   fill(112, 62, 40)
   stroke(112, 62, 40)
   bezier(255, eyebrowH1, 270, eyebrowH2, 280, eyebrowH2, 280, eyebrowH1) //Left eyebrow

   fill(112, 62, 40)
   stroke(112, 62, 40)
   bezier(290, eyebrowH1, 290, eyebrowH2, 300, eyebrowH2, 320, eyebrowH1) //right eyebrow


function mousePressed() {
     skinColor = random(190, 250)
     headW = random(150, 200)
     headH = random(150, 200)
     eyeColor = random(190, 270)
     lipColor = random(60, 160)
     lipCorner = random(220, 185)
     hairLength = random(200, 300)
     eyebrowH1= random(170, 160)
     eyebrowH2 = random(160, 145)

This was tough, a real learn-by-doing experience. Now I feel like I really understand variables and how to control them (like learning to add parameters to the ‘randomness’ under the mousePressed function) and am proud of this. It may not be the most complex face, but it definitely changes and the way the expression changes (done by changing the height of the corners of the mouth and eyebrows) which I really like.

Christine Chen- Looking Outwards-02


Above is Austrian artist LIA’s work, Weaving, that was created in 2018
Source: https://vimeo.com/279291848

After looking at a range of various generative art, I found Austrian artist LIA’s work, Weaving, most fascinating and inspirational. LIA started producing art with softwares and algorithms as early as 1995 and is considered as one of the first developers of the field. She translates concepts into codes which she uses as “machines” to generate multimedia outputs, which are then used to generate art. In her piece Weaving, LIA was inspired by the use of punch card in the Jacquard mechanism that was used to record information in the past to efficiently weave complex patterns for textiles. LIA developed the software to reflect the method of the Jacquard mechanism to develop “digital textiles.”

What interests me most about this piece is how simultaneously different and alike the Jacquard mechanism and LIA’s method of creating the piece is. Both translates aesthetic patterns into codes, yet the output of one is physical while the other one is digital. It is as if one is a newer version of the other. Through this piece, LIA combined traditional art with today’s computer generated algorithms to create a breakthrough of both sides.

Emily Zhou – Looking Outwards – 02

London-based artist, Quayola, uses image-analysis and manipulation algorithms to generate digital landscapes in a project titled Pleasant Places.

Pleasant Places, Quayola, 2015

I am a big fan of the irony that is present in this work. The artist uses a computer program, a far cry from the natural world, to construct pleasant, organic works of art. I admire the contrast against the popular belief that only nature itself can produce feelings of comfort and tranquility.

The algorithm requires an input video (e.g. trees swaying in the wind), which it then relates by analyzing patterns of movement and colour. The result is a painting-like scenery. The shot-breakdown is demonstrated below:

Artistic sensibilities come into play in developing the algorithm. The artist performs computational brush studies as well as generative painting simulations in order to create a digital synthesis that can be applied to natural landscapes. The work exhibited as an audiovisual installation will hopefully inspire more people to consider computer technology as a means of art-making.

Alice Fang- Looking Outwards-2

“Metamorphic Drawings” by Miguel Nóbrega, days 1-6

it’s doing it is an online exhibition where artists express a set of instructions through code which then generates images daily for 45 days. With a new, unique image generated every single day, this project experiments with removing the physical viewing aspect of interactive exhibitions, instead driving the viewer to revisit the webpage over a month and a half. A new visit to the website will have a new set of images curated. I think this is an interesting solution to the problem of displaying media in galleries that are limited in the physical world, and I wish I knew about this while it was still current, to experience first hand the intrigue in visiting the site daily to see unique, but similar pieces of art.

Written instructions are given to the viewer as well, and they tend to be very poetic, and although the computer generates the image, the artist still has their own personal touch (through style and type of content). Each artist probably used algorithms with different purposes, from randomizing variables of size and generating numbers for colors (Matthias Dörfelt’s ‘Daily Donut’) to adding filters and effects from images in a database (Daniel Schwarz’s ‘Morning Routine’), to generating random handwritings (Adam Ferriss’ ‘Signed Autograph’).

Rachel Lee Section E Looking Outwards 02

A generative art project I find inspirational is David Wicks’ Innovation Clock. The primary reason I was drawn to this project was its potential for inspiration and further impact beyond aesthetics– the clock extracts real time data from Twitter regarding the discussion of innovative ideas to stimulate conversation and encourage people to create. At a school like CMU, I am constantly inspired by the motivations, passions and compelling projects that my peers are working on, and feel like an artefact like this clock encompasses many attributes that I admire about my classmates and would encourage me to try new things. The programmers of this creation generated an algorithm that extracted up to the minute data from Twitter, presumably posts with hashtags related to innovative ideas or fields. Wicks’ artistic sensibilities are revealed through the lively text functions (hashtags are more hierarchically important with regards to type that Twitter posts) as well as dynamic lighting that reveals a coded map of activity, which reveal his consideration of space, composition and typography, as well as drama and impact.

Innovation Clock by David Wicks, 2015.