Anthony Ra – Project-04-String-Art


/* Anthony Ra
Project-04 */

var x1;
var x2;
var y1;
var y2;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 300);
  background (0);


function draw() {

  /* drawing rectangles increasing */

  for (var i = 0; i <= 500; i += 5) {

    line(i, 0, i, height);


  for (var i = 0; i <= 375; i += 10) {

  /* curve along the top-right corner */
  /* least sloped curve */
  stroke(168, 143, 225);
  line(i, 0, width + i, i);
  /* steeper curve */
  stroke(168, 143, 200);
  line(i, 0, width, i);
  /* slopiest curve along top-right corner */
  stroke(168, 143, 175);
  line(i, 0, width - i, i);
  /* reflection from the previous lines of code along y-axis */
  stroke(213, 142, 165);
  line(i, i, width - i, 0);
  /* long curve along bottom-left corner */
  stroke(295, 142, 165);
  line(0, i, i, height);
  /* long curve along top-left corner */
  stroke(200, 125, 165);
  line(i, 0, 0, height - i);
/* curves along the diagonal axis */
  stroke(154, 89, 140);
  line(i, i, 0, height - i);

  /* curve symmetry along x-axis */
  stroke(200, 50, 140);
  line(width, height - i, -i, i);
  line(width, i, -i, height - i);

  line(0, height - i, width, height);
  line(0, height - i, width, 0);


The purpose of making all my strings a different shade of pink is for a calming effect for myself. Along with that is a bevy of symmetry along multiple axes; however some of these lines of code produces visually asymmetrical results. Combining those together, with an emotionally stressful week, this is a reminder for me that it id okay to be imperfect and to take my day to day life less seriously. Live my life.

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