Min Jun Kim- Looking Outwards 5

This is the scene from Dr.Strange that I thought was the most interesting out of CG effects. It is the open your eyes scene from Dr. Strange.

The 3D computer graphics project that stood out to me the most is the scene from the movie Dr. Strange. I thought that this scene was immensely visibly engaging and incorporates so many different elements, such as entities and even a butterfly. What I admire the most of it is simply how realistic it is and how it sucks the audience into a whole new reality. By referencing what we are familiar with, such as the planet Earth and a butterfly, we are able to see just how surreal the experience is. The point of CG typically is to make untrue things seem as realistic as possible, but with this project, its goal was the opposite- to make things seem bizarre as possible but with such technological skills to make the surreal look realistic and blend well with the actor himself. I admire these aspects because it is something so different and unique and at the same time memorable.
I think that the algorithms that were used to generate these scenes definitely used 3D algorithms like camera to make things more 3D. I also think that they used scale and translate in the parts where locations are being zoomed out, while the characters stay in the same place. The must have also used recursion because there were a lot of recurring elements when Dr. Strange is in the different dimensions.
The director’s artistic sensibilities manifested in the final form when he was able to tell such a compelling story with the crazy graphics. He used a voiceover to explain what is going on in the scene and how it relates to the story. Doing so anchors the intense and out-worldly CG into a rock-hard reality in the story and doesn’t confuse the audience but rather teaches them. I think that this particular scene sets up the story of the whole movie very well.

Movie: Dr. Strange
Director: Mads Mikkelsen
Actor in scene: Benedict Cumberbatch

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