Catherine Coyle – Project 05 – Wallpaper


// Catherine Coyle
// Section C
// Project - 05 Wallpaper

// inspo

var tileW = 75;
var tileH = 100;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 500);

function draw() {
	background(249, 240, 229);
	for(var row = 0; row < height / tileH; row++) {
		for(var col = 0; col < width / tileW; col++) {
			drawTile(tileW * col, tileH * row);

function drawTile(x, y) {
	// many tiles have the same thing drawn over each other which is
	// just to account for the edges of the canvas so it looks
	// more continuous

	// short lines through the middle circles
	stroke(237, 186, 85, 95);
	strokeWeight(tileW / 8);
	line(x + tileW / 4, y, x + tileW * 3/4, y);
	line(x + tileW / 4, y + tileH, x + tileW * 3/4, y + tileH);
	line(x, y + tileH / 4, x, y + tileH * 3/4);
	line(x + tileW, y + tileH / 4, x + tileW, y + tileH * 3/4);

	// gold thicker background lines
	stroke(237, 186, 85);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y + tileH);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);

	// thinner blue lines between diamonds
	stroke(132, 145, 232);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y + tileH);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);

	// gold background circle
	fill(237, 186, 85);
	ellipse(x, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);
	ellipse(x + tileW, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);

	// blue circle at corners
	fill(132, 145, 232);
	ellipse(x, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);
	ellipse(x + tileW, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);

	// inside circle to show background color
	fill(249, 240, 229);
	ellipse(x, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);
	ellipse(x + tileW, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);

	// gold diamonds in middle of some tiles
	fill(237, 186, 85);
	quad(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH / 2 - tileH / 8, x + tileW / 2 + tileW / 8, y + tileH / 2, 
		x + tileW / 2, y + tileH / 2 + tileH / 8, x + tileW / 2 - tileW / 8, y + tileH / 2);

I really love looking at kind of antique and elegant designs so this project was a lot of fun for me! I set up my basic grid with nested for loops and then made a ‘helper’ function that would draw the tiles based on the top left corner of each part of the grid.

In coming up with ideas for what to make for this project, I looked a lot at the antique wallpaper link that was provided with the assignment. Rather than doing sketches of my own, I tried to emulate one of my favorite patterns I found there.

I found this design very pretty and wanted to make something similar

I feel like the design I made is a nice mix between retro looking with the rounded edges and the elegant look to this wallpaper. This project was a fun way for me to get refreshed on nested for-loops!

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