Sophia Kim-Project 6-Abstract Clock/Sec C


// Sophia S Kim
// Section C 1:30
// Project-06-Abstract Clock

function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 480); 

function draw() {
  //time variables 
  var H = hour();
  var M = minute();
  var S = second();

  //gets darker by the HOUR
  background (233 - (2*H), 237 - (2*H), 255 - (2*H));

  // variables for objects 
  var lemonWidth; //width of lemon
  var lemonHeight; //height of lemon 
  var liquidY = 190; //liquid Y psition
  var liquidH = 210; //liquid height
  var dropX = []; //water drop X
  var dropY = []; //water drop Y

  //static table 
  fill(140, 94, 3);
  rect(0, 350, 480, 100); //top of table

  fill(102, 69, 2);
  rect(0, 450, 480, 30); //side of table

  //static beach sand 
  fill(242, 211, 148); 
  rect(0, 240, 480, 110);

  //beach water
  //water gets darker ever hour 
  fill(62 - (2*H), 214 - (2*H), 255 - (2*H));
  ellipse(240, 240, 600, 130);
  rect(0, 140, 480, 80);

  //changes lemon width and height every SECOND 
  //pattern of not squeezed and squeezed
  fill(226, 239, 48);
  if((S%2) > 0) {
    lemonWidth = 70;
    lemonHeight = 70;
  else {
    lemonWidth = 60;
    lemonHeight = 40;
  ellipse(295, 180, lemonWidth, lemonHeight);

  //drink glass
  fill(161, 235, 255);
  rect(185, 180, 110, 220);
  ellipse(width/2, 398, 110, 60);

  //drink liquid
  fill(234, 117, 117);
  ellipse(width/2, 398, 100, 50);
  rect(190, liquidY + (3*M), 100, liquidH - (3*M));
  //allows liquid to decrease every MINUTE

I wanted to make an illustration that relaxed the viewers and made them not too anxious about time. The possible settings I was thinking about were beaches, mountains, and waterfalls. I was craving bubble tea this whole week, so I decided to make a drink with a beach view. At the beginning of sketching, I got very excited with my concept. However, overtime, I decided to change the original parts of the abstract clock to something new. At first, I wanted to make water droplets to form on the glass every minute. Instead, I made the liquid level to decrease by every minute. For every hour, I changed the sky color and the ocean water color to become darker. At first, I had a hard time with how the time variables would interact with the shapes and colors. Midway through the process, I started to get the hang of where the time variables can be used in the code. I had a lot of fun with this assignment, because seeing the colors and the liquid height change were very satisfying.

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